Veste foarte buna pentru fanii lui Frank Zappa

de Cristi Nedelcu

Veste foarte buna pentru fanii lui Frank Zappa

Cei de la Rolling Stone au facut public faptul ca fiul lui Frank Zappa, Ahmet controleaza acum in intregime The Zappa Family Trust.

Acesta doreste sa faca publice mai multe materiale ale artistului care pana acum nu au fost disponibile fanilor.

Citandu-l pe Ahmet Zappa, este vorba de "new product releases, film and theatrical productions and trademark licensing...“The fans of Frank Zappa will have more music and more access – when they want it and how they want it... With Universal as our partner, I look forward to bringing to life Joe’s Garage, The Musical, the release of The Roxy Movie, the release of the Disney Hall performance of 200 Motels under the baton of Esa-Pekka Salonen (dirijor) and so many more projects of this caliber. I couldn’t be more excited about the future.”

Ramane de vazut cand toate acestea, si multe altele vor fi disponibile.

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