Formatia Glorior Belli despre Mitch Lucker: Ne bucuram ca a murit

de Buvnitz

Formatia Glorior Belli despre Mitch Lucker: Ne bucuram ca a murit

Intr-un moment de prost gust, formatia Glorior Belli a tinut sa 'sarbatoreasca' moartea solistului Mitch Lucker (Suicide Silence) printr-un mesaj postat pe Facebook.

Mesajul a fost ulterior sters insa un cititor MetalSucks a reusit sa salveze imaginea:

Nu putem decat sa ne gandim ce om ar fi in stare de un asemenea act..

Mitch Lucker a decedat dupa ce motocicleta sa 2013 Harley Davidson s-a lovit frontal de un stalp.

Odata aflata vestea, formatia a emis urmatorul comunicat:

There`s no easy way to say this. Mitch passed away earlier this morning from injuries sustained during a motorcycle accident. This is completely devastating to all of us and we offer our deepest condolences to his family. He will be forever in our hearts.

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