John Dolmayan de la System of a Down este adeptul teoriilor conspirative cu privire la COVID-19

de Cristi Nedelcu

John Dolmayan de la System of a Down este adeptul teoriilor conspirative cu privire la COVID-19

Tobosarul System of a Down, John Dolmayan, a stat de vorba cu cei de la Metal Injection iar printre subiectele atinse a fost bineinteles si situatia creata de COVID-19.

Acesta afirma indirect faptul ca guvernele diferitelor state sunt vinovate pentru aceasta situatie, spunand ca in zonele cele mai afectate populatia protesta impotriva guvernului, iar dupa inceperea pandemiei protestele au incetat. Iata ce a declarat Dolmayan.

"I question stuff, and I have my own theories on things, and people think I'm an idiot sometimes for it. But I also have a big imagination. There were protesters in Hong Kong, there were protesters in France, there were protesters in Italy, Lebanon, Chile, there were protests happening worldwide, people demanding change from their governments, and it's just kind of convenient that there's a coronavirus and all those protests go away.

What did these viruses pop out of? It's not bats and s**t like that. People in China have been eating that way for thousands of years."

Este de precizat faptul ca mai multe centre de cercetare precum si reviste de specialitate au ajuns la concluzia ca virusul nu a fost creat in laborator sau modificat in orice fel de catre oameni de stiinta.

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