John Dolmayan s-a saturat de discutiile pe tema unui nou album System of a Down

de Cristi Nedelcu

John Dolmayan s-a saturat de discutiile pe tema unui nou album System of a Down

John Dolmayan a oferiti recent un interviu unde inevitabil s-a ajuns la discutia despre un nou album semnat System of a Down.

Tobosarul a declarat ca s-a saturat sa incerce sa isi convinga colegii de trupa sa faca un nou material discografic si ca nici el nu mai e convins ca vrea acest lucru.

Iata ce a spus Dolmayan cand a fost intrebat despre un posibil viitor album: "I find it very unlikely. I'm not even sure I wanna do it anymore. It's just so much drama and bullshit. In a lot of ways, I'm just over it. 'Cause I fought really hard to get us to make an album over the course of the last 15 years. More than anybody else, I was calling people, 'Let's get together. Put the egos aside. Let's have meetings. Whatever it takes. Let's get in the studio. Let's just get in the studio and see what happens.' I just couldn't get it done. I failed."

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