Mai multi fani s-au ranit in timpul unui concert System of a Down

de Cristi Nedelcu

Mai multi fani s-au ranit in timpul unui concert System of a Down

Weekend-ul trecut cei de la System of a Down au sustinut un concert in Chicago. Acestia au fost insa fortati sa isi opreasca show-ul in repetate randuri pentru ca mai multi fani s-au ranit in timpul mosh-piturilor.

Lucrurile puteau sa degenereze destul de mult daca nu interveneau paramedicii, unii dintre fani pierzandu-si cunostiinta.

Iata ce a declarat unul dintre ei:

"I fell over during System of a Down, then someone fell on top of me so I couldn’t breathe…Then once they got up, someone else fell on top of me. It was never ending. At one point I had someone on top of my back, and someone either sitting or standing on my head, pushing my face down into mud. I couldn’t breathe the entire time, but then any breath I could take I was close to inhaling muddy water. It was the scariest thing in my entire life cause I had no idea how long I’d be trapped for. Apparently System of a Down had to stop playing so paramedics could get me out, I was unconscious at that point so I have no memory of it. Both of my eyes are blood red from passing out due to lack of air + someone crushing my head + screaming for my life.”

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