Tesla a interpretat piesa 'Breakin' Free' in timpul carantinei

de Cristi Nedelcu

Tesla a interpretat piesa 'Breakin' Free' in timpul carantinei

Trupa Tesla s-a reunit in cadrul seriei "Home To Home" pentru a interpreta piesa varianta din carantina a piesei "Breakin' Free".

Piesa a fost preluata de pe albumul din 2008, "Forecer More".

"Some people hate it, some people love it. I tell you, after five weeks, six weeks, it's leaning more toward, 'You know, it had to grow on me. I'm actually enjoying it now.' That's the thing, that's why we called it 'Shock'. We knew it was going to shock people. The other thing is, we couldn't just continue to do the same record over and over and over again, so we tried something different. It's cool. The songs go down well live, I see people singing, our fans are in there singing 'Shock', singing 'Taste Like', singing '[Tied To The] Tracks', singing 'Take Me Alive'. It's cool. Look, after so many years, I'm glad we're able to make another record because not the first on everyone's agenda anymore.", a declarat basisitul trupei, Brian Wheat.

Noua interpretare poate fi ascultata mai jos.

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