Dave Lombardo revine in Testament dupa plecarea lui Gene Hoglan

de Cristi Nedelcu

Dave Lombardo revine in Testament dupa plecarea lui Gene Hoglan

In Ianuarie anul acesta, Gene Hoglan a parasit Testament dupa mai bine de un deceniu petrecut in spatele tobelor.

Acum cateva ore, formatia a anuntat ca tobosarul care i-a luat locul este Dave Lombardo. Fostul membru Slayer a mai urcat pe scena alaturi de Testament in perioada '98-'99.

Iata ce a declarat Chuck Billy, solistul formatiei: "I'll state the obvious, We are more than overwhelmed to welcome back Dave Lombardo to play drums with TESTAMENT. We are so excited to share the stage again with Lombardo. Dave added immense power when he joined the band for 'The Gathering', and we are ecstatic to see what new flavor he will bring back to TESTAMENT."

La randul sau, Lombardo a adaugat: "This is a long-awaited reunion that was bound to happen. Once upon a time, we created a thrash masterpiece. I have no doubt that our musical chemistry will pick up exactly where we left off. I love the TESTAMENT family and am very excited to be joining them once again. Pure brutality awaits."

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