Steve DiGiorgio (Testament) testat pozitiv cu coronavirus

de Cristi Nedelcu

Steve DiGiorgio (Testament) testat pozitiv cu coronavirus

Basistul trupei Testament a fost testat pozitiv cu COVID-19.

Rezultatele testelor lui Steve au fost dezvaluite de colegul sau de trupa, Chuck Billy, care a fost unul dintre primii muzicieni diagnosticati cu COVID-19.

"Steve, our bass player, just tested on Thursday, he got his results back, and they're positive. And that's after a couple of weeks of being sick. So it made us think, 'Are we still contagious?', even though the doctors and the CDC [Centers For Disease Control And Prevention] told us that, 'Go ahead and go to the store. Go out. Wear a mask.' But you just don't know. We don't know if we're ill or not.", a declarat Billy.

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