THY ART IS MURDER il recruteaza pe solistul de la AVERSIONS CROWN, TYLER MILLER

de Cristi Nedelcu

THY ART IS MURDER il recruteaza pe solistul de la AVERSIONS CROWN, TYLER MILLER

Thy art is murder l-a recrutat pe Tyler Miller de la trupa australiana AVERSIONS CROWN pentru a fi noul vocalist al trupei.

Miller si-a facut debutul live cu THY ART IS MURDER ieri, pe 27 septembrie la spectacolul de deschidere al turneului european al grupului la Turbinenhalle 2 din Oberhausen, Germania.

Vestea intrarii lui Miller in formatia THY ART IS MURDER vine la mai putin de o saptamana dupa ce trupa s-a despartit de vechiul vocalist Chris "CJ" McMahon. THY ART IS MURDER a mai dezvaluit intr-o declaratie ca vocea lui McMahon nu apare pe noul album al grupului „Godlike”, care a fost lansat pe 22 septembrie prin Human Warfare, inlocuitorul lui CJ fiind cel care a inregistrat vocea pe noul material la inceputul saptamanii trecute.

AVERSIONS CROWN si-a lansat cel mai recent album, „Hell Will Come For Us All”, in 2020 prin Nuclear Blast.

Trupa a fost inactiva pe retelele sociale inca de acum un an, cand AVERSIONS CROWN a anuntat anularea unui turneu in State dupa ce nu au putut sa isi asigure "the appropriate work visas required to enter the country".

Despartirea dintre THY ART IS MURDER si McMahon a avut loc la o luna dupa ce acesta si-a sters (si ulterior si-a restabilit) conturile pe retelele de socializare din cauza reactiilor pe care le-a primit pentru ca a postat un comentariu transfob pe Instagram. A doua zi, ceilalti membri ai THY ART IS MURDER au postat un steag trans pe Instagram in semn de solidaritate cu comunitatea LGBTQ+ alaturi de declaratia: "Setting the record straight, we stand with you".

Pe 22 septembrie, THY ART IS MURDER a distribuit o declaratie pe retelele de socializare in care confirma ca McMahon a fost concediat din trupa si ca contributiile sale la albumul „Godlike” au fost eliminate.

"We understand that this may come as a surprise and we want to assure you that this decision was made to preserve the band's integrity and direction," a declarat THY ART IS MURDER.

"What transpired over the past month was not the cause of this action, but just another symptom of the drawn out breakdown in [McMahon's] character and judgement," a adaugat formatia. "The straw that broke the camel's back if you will. Long story short, the fallout has been immense. We were lobbed with threats to destroy THY ART IS MURDER from the inside if we did not capitulate to various ideologies that he holds."

Cateva ore mai tarziu, McMahon a postat un scurt mesaj pe Instagram in care spunea: "I just woke up and saw the news. Yes this is how I found out. And yes it's not the whole story."

La cateva zile dupa ce si-a impartasit comentariul original transfob pe retelele de socializare, McMahon a postat un videoclip pe Instagramul trupei in care spunea ca vrea "to apologize to everybody that's been upset and offended by the video that I shared and commented horribly on Instagram. My intentions weren't to be transphobic in any way, shape or form. And now it's gotten to the point that it really doesn't matter what my intentions were. I apologize to the LGBTQ+ community and their allies and the people that support them. And I thought I did support them, but obviously my video that I shared and commented horribly on has proved otherwise."

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