In sfarsit Tool vor lansa un nou album

de Cristi Nedelcu

In sfarsit Tool vor lansa un nou album

In 2006, Tool lansa albumul '10.000 Days'. De atunci niciun alt material nu a mai fost scos de formatie.

Se pare insa ca asteptarea a luat sfarsit si ca un nou disc va fi lansat anul viitor, sau cel putin asa spune tobosarul Danny Carey.

Intrebat de cei de la Loudwire daca anul urmator va aduce in sfarsit un nou album Tool, Carey a raspuns:

"Yes. I’m saying definitely. We’ll probably have it done in the first half of the year if things go as planned. There's setup times and manufacturing, I can never predict all that, it seems like it’s constantly evolving. What time of year it will be out I can’t tell you."

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