Tool a anuntat titlul viitorului album

de Cristi Nedelcu

Tool a anuntat titlul viitorului album

Pe 30 August vom avea in sfarsit un nou album semnat Tool. Precedentul material, '10.000 Days' a fost lansat in 2006.

Precedentul material, '10.000 Days' a fost lansat in 2006.

Viitorul disc se va numi 'Fear Inoculum'. Producatorul a fost Joe Barresi iar cel care s-a ocupat de masterizare a fost Bob Ludwig, cel care a lucrat cu Tool si pentru '10.000 Days'.

Iata ce a declarat Keenan despre lunga perioada de timp dintre cele doua materiale discografice:

"Their writing process is so drawn out. And I'm sure there's a lot of reasons why the delay has been long. Their process is very analytical, and I think, at some point, maybe because so much time has gone by from the last album, there has to be a little bit of fear in here. You think to yourself 'Is this record gonna be as good as the last one?' The anticipation now is... Now the pressure is huge, so I'm sure there's some of that that goes into play."

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