Tobosarul Amon Djurhuus Ellingsgaard a parasit formatia TYR

de Cristi Nedelcu

Tobosarul Amon Djurhuus Ellingsgaard  a parasit formatia TYR

Artistul Amon Djurhuus Ellingsgaard a anuntat pe pagina sa de Facebook ca a ales sa paraseasca formatia TYR.

I regret to announce that I will resign as a member of Tyr. It has proven difficult to make time for touring and rehearsal with a full time occupation on the side, as well as children and bills to pay. I will not retreat from the metal scene entirely, since I am still member of two other bands, The Happening and Heljareyga. Thanks to the lads of TYR for the time and best wishes for the future, thanks to all who came to our shows during my time as drummer and thanks to all the great people I've met on tour. Hope to see you all again sometime.

La foarte scurt timp, formatia Tyr a si anuntat inlocuitorul lui Amon. Acesta este Waltteri Vayrynen, tobosar care a mai colaborat in trecut cu TYR pentru concerte live. In plus artistul a urcat pe scena alaturi si de Paradise Lost, tot ca membru live.

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