Gary Cherone, fostul solist Van Halen, a facut un cover dupa 'God Is', piesa semnata Kanye West

de Cristi Nedelcu

Gary Cherone, fostul solist Van Halen, a facut un cover dupa 'God Is', piesa semnata Kanye West

Gary Cherone, actualul solist al formatieit Extreme si fostul solist Van Halen, a facut un cover pentru piesa 'God Is', piesa interpretata de Kanye West.

Iata ce a declarat artistul: "Obviously, Kanye and I come from two different worlds. Maybe I can introduce my audience to that record and move them to check out the original version.

I’m not the biggest Kanye fan, but I kept hearing about his new record, so I checked it out, and I just kept going back to that song. I just wanted to sing it in my rock voice."

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