Volbeat au lansat un videoclip animat pentru 'Leviathan'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Volbeat au lansat un videoclip animat pentru 'Leviathan'

Trupa a lansat un videoclip animat pentru cel mai recent single al celui de-al saptelea album de studio al trupei, "Rewind, Replay, Rebound".

Clipul pentru "Leviathan" a fost regizat si animat de Steven Mertens si se bazeaza pe un tablou de Karsten Sand.

"He already has a feeling that the world can be an evil place, full of bad people," Poulsen told Billboard. "He wants as a youngster to try to clean up the whole world, but he knows that he can't do that. But he believes that he can contact Leviathan, the sea monster, and together they could clean up all the bad things.", a declarat Michael Poulsen.

Noul clip poate fi vazut mai jos.

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