Ce inseamna sa fii agent de booking pentru o trupa metal?

de Buvnitz

Ce inseamna sa fii agent de booking pentru o trupa metal?

Organizarea unui concert cu trupe 'de afara' nu e chiar treaba usoara, indiferent daca e vorba de un show de club sau trupele mari pe care le vedem la festival. Inainte de toate, exista un agent de booking care controleaza o mare parte din actiunile trupei la nivel de concerte live. Practic, exista si cazuri cand agentul decide orasele si tarile unde trupa va concerta, in functie de banii pe care organizatorul ii ofera. Trupa primeste doar programul, se imbarca in duba sau nightliner si porneste la drum.

Publicatia americana Decibel a reusit sa stea de vorba cu doi oameni importanti din industrie, unul implicat intr-o agentie internationala, al doilea implicat in fenomenul DIY - Dave Shapiro - The Agency Group (manager pentru Godflesh, Whitechapel, Memphis Mayfire, A Day To Remember) si Nathan Carson - Nanotear Booking (agent pentru Agalloch, Behold The Arctopus, Coffins sau Yob).

Intregul interviu il puteti citi aici.

Talk about guarantees. What are they, how difficult are they to get, and are they always a good thing to get?

Nathan: A guarantee is good for two reasons: one, it is insurance that a band will be paid at a show that they presumably drove hours to reach. With gas at nearly $4/gallon, the cost of renting or maintaining a vehicle, and feeding, drinking and housing a group of people traveling together, it’s really important for bands to be paid enough to break even on these expenses, and hopefully to profit.

With the pressure of covering that guarantee, promoters are more likely to do their job well. With no duress or possibility of losing money, it’s often just another heartbreaking night at work for them. Promoters all too often let the advertising go slack on the cheaper shows.

I think there’s an important balance that agents and promoters should strike that is a fair market value for the band in question, dependent on the day of the week and many other key factors, and that allows the band to earn a bonus if the show does well. And unless you’re playing real hellholes, or being booked by some shrewd, uncaring a*****e, then that’s what we are all trying to do every night.

Guarantees are not always necessary, though. Most of the time, if an agent is willing to reduce the risk to the club and work on a percentage basis, the venue will offer a much greater split of the door proceeds. And confident agents and bands can often gamble and win in such scenarios, which is always good for everyone. Clubs LOVE to pay out bonuses because it’s a reflection of success and good will to all involved.

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