Whitechapel a anuntat un nou album intitulat: Live In The Valley si au lansat o noua piesa

de Cristi Nedelcu

Whitechapel a anuntat un nou album intitulat: Live In The Valley si au lansat o noua piesa

Whitechapel a anuntat un nou album live intitulat: Live In The Valley care va fi lansat pe 26 ianuarie pe toate platformele digitale. Albumul a fost inregistrat live la cel de-al 7-lea spectacol anual de Craciun al trupei (eveniment caritabil), care a avut loc pe 22 decembrie 2022, la The Mill & Mine, in orasul lor natal Knoxville, TN. Totodata, trupa a lansat piesa Lost Boy, de pe noul album.

"We decided to record the audio from our 7th annual hometown Christmas benefit show in 2022 where we played a mixed set from our albums The Valley and Kin," a spus chitaristul Whitechapel, Alex Wade. "We thought this would be a good way to close the chapter on these albums before we start recording our 9th album. The audio was recorded, engineered, mixed and mastered by our very own Zach Householder and we are excited about the way that it turned out. Along with the audio we shot 2 live videos to accompany the live album release."- a incheiat acesta.

Live In The Valley tracklist:

"When a Demon Defiles a Witch"
"Forgiveness Is Weakness"
"Hickory Creek"
"Black Bear"
"Doom Woods"
"I Will Find You"
"A Bloodsoaked Symphony"
"Lost Boy"
"This Is Exile"
"The Saw Is the Law"

Whitechapel pleaca luna aceasta in turneu cu Meshuggah si In Flames in Statele Unite.

Asculta noua piesa - Lost Boy - mai jos.

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