Interviu Blitzkrieg cu chitaristul Joel Hoekstra

de Andreea Gherfi

Interviu Blitzkrieg cu chitaristul Joel Hoekstra

Celebrul chitaristul new-yorkez Joel Hoekstra canta in acest moment cu Whitesnake (inlocuindu-l pe Doug Aldrich), insa este binecunoscut si pentru activitatea sa alaturi de Night Ranger, Trans Siberian Orchestra si in musicalul (si filmul!) Rock Of Ages (care se joaca pe Broadway). Printre muzicienii cu care a colaborat se numara Foreigner, Alan Parsons, Brett Michaels, Beth Hart, Ted Nugent, Sebastian Bach, Nuno Bettencourt si multi altii.

Metalhead: First of all Hello and Thank You for accepting this mini interview for our metalzine . How was the passion for guitars planted in your soul? When did this happen?

Joel Hoekstra: My parents are classical musicians so they had me laying cello and piano at a very young age. I wasn't that inspired, but it gave me a good jump start in terms of fundamentals. At the age of 11 I heard AC/DC and that changed everything for me. I wanted a guitar!

Metalhead: How did you get your first guitar?

Joel Hoekstra: Initially I started on my stepmom's acoustic guitar. My teacher was teaching me out of the Alfred's method book and I was thinking "this isn't what I pictured!" Haha! Soon I talked my parents into buying me an electric guitar at the local mall and I found a great teacher who taught me nothing but rock songs for the first year or two. It was a world of difference.

Metalhead: Besides guitars, are you interested in any other types of instruments?

Joel Hoekstra: As far as listening, yes. As far as playing goes, I've dabbled here and there on mandolin, banjo, etc.. But, I've got my hands full with guitar. I have a hard enough time meeting my expectations on that.

Metalhead: All guitar gods have a beautiful collection of incredible instruments but only one true love among them, which one is yours?

Joel Hoekstra: I'm not sure I have one. My 57 re-issue Goldtop Les Paul has the most sentimental value at this point, but I also really like my White Custom Les Paul that I play with Trans Siberian Orchestra and the White Custom Les Paul that I play with Whitesnake.

Metalhead: From where do you get your inspiration?

Joel Hoekstra: Desperation. haha! Truthfully, I'm not sure how to answer that. I'm blessed to be doing this for a living and want to make sure to give it my all on a daily basis so that doesn't change.

Metalhead: Are there anymore guitar techniques left to be invented? :)

Joel Hoekstra: Sure. Although, I'm not sure that's necessarily what I'm craving. I see enough technique online these days. I'd prefer to see great playing serving great music, not serving YouTube shock value.

Metalhead: Do you believe in native talent or only in people who practice until their fingers bleed?

Joel Hoekstra: It's all about the hard work and time spent, but passion drives you to spend that time, so both are correct.

Metalhead: Eric Clapton or Jimi Hendrix? Which one is closer to your heart? Why?

Joel Hoekstra: Jimi Hendrix..such a fantastic showman..great songs. I really like his psychedelic edge and wildness.

Metalhead: Do you think guitarists were more passionate and dedicated in the "old times"?

Joel Hoekstra: I think they had more of an opportunity to perform live in an ensemble setting and make a living doing so. Now people are learning to play at home alone in front of a computer, so it's breeding a different style of playing. I'm not sure "more passionate and dedicated" are the correct terms for the difference.

Metalhead: Can you name one golden rule for guitar beginners than can help us, the noobs, tame this beautiful instrument?

Joel Hoekstra: You get back what you put into it. It's all about putting in the work. I always tell beginners to play everyday no matter what. Everyone has busy days, but the most important moment is to pick it up and play anyway, even if it's a couple of minutes. In the early going, the skills go away quickly if you take ANY days off. If you play EVERY DAY, you'll get some great momentum and start to see the results.

Poze Poze pentru articole - ziua chitarelor

Ziua Chitarelor este un concept unic in lume propus de chitaristul italian Corrado Sgandurra incepand cu anul 2009. Stabilit in Romania, chitaristul concepe un festival original din toate punctele de vedere, dedicat nu doar chitaristilor, ci si iubitorilor de muzica buna.

In primele 3 editii, festivalul a gazduit numerosi chitaristi de renume international care nu numai ca au sustinut recitaluri, dar au si impartasit doritorilor secretele interpretarii la chitara in cadrul unor master class-uri organizare in scop educativ si cultural pe tot parcursul evenimentului.

Avand ca principala motivatie educarea tinerilor muzicieni romani si ridicarea nivelului calitativ de interpretare instrumentala, festivalul a permis ca accestul publicului sa fie gratuit, incurajand tinerele talente sa-si imbogateasca si actualizeze cunostintele muzicale.

Ziua Chitarelor, aflat la cea de-a patra editie, este un festival extrem de popular, cu fan cluburi in toata tara si cu foarte multi fani aflati dincolo de granitele Romaniei.

Aceasta editie a festivalului Ziua Chitarelor este organizat de Centrul pentru Resurse Civice cu sprijinul Primariei Municipiului Constanta.

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