Whitesnake are un nou membru in trupa, Dino Jelusick

de Cristi Nedelcu

Whitesnake are un nou membru in trupa, Dino Jelusick

Legendara trupa a anuntat un nou membru. Este vorba despre multi-instrumentistul croat Dino Jelusick.

Liderul trupei, David Coverdale, a declarat urmatoarele:

"I am absolutely delighted to welcome the extremely gifted Dino Jelusick to Whitesnake. We've had our eyes and ears on him since we played Zagreb together two years ago. You're going to love him!"

Dino Jelusick a confirmat urmatoarele:

"I am beyond honored to be part of one of my favourite bands of all time. To get the phone call from David Coverdale is something every singer and musician of my generation can only dream of; it still feels completely surreal. I cannot wait to start hitting the road with Whitesnake and, as the great DC said to me himself, to give a piece of my identity to the sound of this iconic band."

Dino Jelusick este un cantaret, muzician si compozitor fiind si fondatorul trupei de rock progresiv, Animal Drive.

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