A Day To Remember

Stiluri: Hardcore

Stiri cu A Day To Remember

  • A Day To Remember au lansat clipul pentru 'Everything We Need'

    Trupa a lansat un videoclip pentru cel mai recent single disponibil de pe noul album 'You're Welcome'. "This was one of the song ideas I started with Jon Bellion and ended up finishing later on with the help of Nick Long. A song about going on a drive to clear your head and having a pinch me moment. Realizing...

  • A Day To Remember au lansat single-ul 'Everything We Need'

    vTrupa a lansat un nou single de pe viitorul album, 'You're Welcome', care va fi disponibil pe 5 martie. "This was one of the song ideas I started with Jon Bellion and ended up finishing later on with the help of Nick Long. A song about going on a drive to clear your head and having a pinch me moment....

  • A Day To Remember au lansat single-ul 'Brick Wall'

    Noua piesa face parte de pe viitorul material discografic al trupei, 'You're Welcome' ce va fi disponibil din data de 5 martie 2021. Solistul trupei, Jeremy McKinnon a declarat despre viitorul album urmatoarele:   "It's finally here — almost! To all our fans around the world, we want to say,...

  • A Day To Remember colaboreaza cu rapperul Jon Bellion

    Noul album al celor de la A Day To Remember, "You're Welcome", este plin de surprize. Solistul Jeremy McKinnon a declarat ca noul material va fi in colaborare cu Jon Bellion. Iata ce a spus Jeremy: "I collaborated with Jon Bellion. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my entire...

  • A Day To Remember a lansat o piesa noua insotita de clip, 'Mindreader'

     A Day To Remember a lansat o piesa noua caruia i-au facut si un clip animat. Este vorba de 'Mindeareader' iar clipul a fost facut de catre Awesome, Inc. Frontmanul formatiei, Jeremy McKinnon a declarat:  "We've had this video done for some time now, and seeing as how our album isn't out yet...

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A Day To Remember

Videoclipuri A Day To Remember

Muzica A Day To Remember

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Acorduri, Tabs & Chords A Day To Remember

Toate acordurile, Tabs & Chords A Day To Remember


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