Alice Cooper
Biografie Alice Cooper
Alice Cooper este o formatie in fruntea caruia se afla Vincent Damon Furnier si care promova muzica heavy metal. Inspirata din diferite alte genuri de muzica (garage rock) si din filme de groaza, trupa si-a construit o imagine total diferita de cea a contemporanilor. Scena lor era adesea incarcata cu scaune electrice, ghilotine, sange fals, serpi boa uriasi. Desi aspectul socant al scenei uimea intreaga audienta, muzica lor nu era cu mult diferita de a celorlalti: sunet de chitara, rock & roll si uneori mici secvente psihedelice. Dupa ce grupul s-a despartit, Furnier a decis sa urmeze o cariera solo sub aceeasi denumire; muzica lui pastra tendinta heavy metal si scena era la fel de sinistru aranjata, fapt pentru care a fost numit regele rockului socant. Furnier a format primul sau grup, Earwigs , in timpul adolescentei sale, in Arizona anilor 60. Dupa ce a schimbat numele formatiei in Spiders, trupa a decis ca cel mai bine i se potriveste Nazz. Primele melodii......Toata biografia Alice Cooper
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Metallica
Iron Maiden
Guns N Roses
Linkin Park
Ozzy Osbourne
Bon Jovi
Deep Purple
Stiri cu Alice Cooper
ALICE COOPER isi relanseaza emisiunea radio, acum denumita: 'Alice's Attic'
Alice Cooper, membru al Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, isi relanseaza emisiunea de radio cu un nou nume si un nou partener. „Alice's Attic” va fi acum difuzata prin Superadio. Alice Cooper va lucra cu aceeasi echipa de creatie de la emisiunea sa de radio „Nights With Alice Cooper” o emisiune ce...
ALICE COOPER va lansa o editie de lux, aniversara pentru 'Billion Dollar Babies'
O noua versiune a „Billion Dollar Babies” va fi lansata in curand, cu ocazia aniversarii a 50 de ani de la lansare. Dupa ce a ajuns pe locul 1 in topurile albumelor din America si Marea Britanie in 1973, albumul lui Alice Cooper ramane un reper improtant in lumea muzicala, continand hituri precum „No...
ALICE COOPER lanseaza o noua piesa, insotita de videoclip: 'Dead Don't Dance'
Alice Cooper a lansat videoclipul oficial al piesei „Dead Don’t Dance”. Clipul, care a fost creat de Marius Voigt de la Lichtschloss Filmproduktion, ofera o privire fascinanta in culise, cu imagini nevazute pana acum ale legendarului rockstar si ale trupei sale. „Dead Don’t...
Nita Strauss a lansat single-ul 'Dead Inside' alaturi de David Draiman
Nita Strauss, chitarista trupei Alice Cooper , a revenit cu primul single dupa lansarea albumului de debut 'Controlled Chaos' din 2018. Chitarista a colaborat cu liderul trupei Disturbed, David Draiman pentru a lansat single-ul si videoclipul pentru 'Dead Inside'. "This is my first time releasing my own...
Alice Cooper a lansat un nou single, 'Go Wings Go'
Noul single este dedicat echipei de hochei din Detroit, Red Wings, si a avut premiera pe 1 mai in cadrul meciului sustinut impotriva celor de la Tampa Bay Lightning. "I grew up in Hockeytown and when I was ‘this tall,’ my dad would take me to see Gordie Howe and Terry Sawchuk and Ted Lindsay and...
Videoclipuri Alice Cooper
- 12. Elected
- 07. Feed My Frankenstein
- 01. Poison
- 06. Bed of Nails
- Schools Out
- Alice Cooper si Marilyn Manson
- Vengeance Is Mine
- Alice Cooper - Poison
- Alice Cooper - Love`s A Loaded Gun
- Alice Cooper - Only Women Bleed
- Alice Cooper - Feed My Frankenstein
- Alice Cooper - Elected
- Alice Cooper - House Of Fire
- Alice Cooper - Welcome To My Nightmare
- Alice Cooper - Under My Wheels
- Alice Cooper - Lost In America
- Alice Cooper - I`m Eighteen
- Alice Cooper - School`s Out
- Twisted Sister feat. Alice Cooper - Be Cruel To Your School
- Alice Cooper - Can`t Sleep The Clowns Will Eat Me
Muzica Alice Cooper
Top Versuri Alice Cooper
House Of Fire
Titanic Overture
06. Department of Youth
01. Poison
What Baby Wants
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Hey Stoopid
Still No Air
I Never Cry
I Never Cry
You Drive Me Nervous
You And Me
Hell Is Living Without You
Wake Me Gently
01. Titanic Overture
Vicious Rumours
A Bedtime Story
What Do You Want From Me
House Of Fire
It's Me
The Saga Of Jesse Jane
Great American Success Story
Take It Like A Woman
Changing Arranging
Burning Our Bed
Refrigerator Heaven
Only Women Bleed
I Just Wanna Be God
Backyard Brawl
Some Folks
Steal That Car
You Drive Me Nervous
Halo of Flies
Hallowed Be My Name
The Black Widow
Brutal Planet
Skeletons In The Closet
Feed My Frankenstein (Live)
Only My Heart Talkin'
Run Down The Devil
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Unfinished Sweet
Talk Talk
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Alice Cooper
- Poison Chords
- Hell Is Living Without You Chords
- Killed by love
- Loves A Loaded Gun (ver2) Chords
- Saga Of Jesse Jane Bass Tab
- Hes Back The Man Behind The Mask Tab
- Poison Tab
- Only Women Bleed Chords
- Stolen Prayer Chords
- Might As Well Be On Mars Chords
- Desperado Chords
- Loves A Loaded Gun Chords
- Im So Angry Bass Tab
- Schools Out For Summer Chords
- Its The Little Things Bass Tab
- Poison (ver2) Tab
- In Touch With Your Feminine Side Tab
- You And Me Chords
- In Touch With Your Feminine Side Chords
- Vengeance Is Mine
- Im Eighteen Chords
- Only Women Bleed Tab
- Poison (ver2) Chords
- Die For You Chords
- Under My Wheels Bass Tab
- Poison Intro Tab
- Saga Of Jesse Jane Chords
- Poison (ver4) Tab
- This House Is Haunted Tab
- Schools Out Tab
- Its Much Too Late Solo Tab
- Poison (ver2) Bass Tab
- Im Eighteen (ver2) Chords
- Im Eighteen Tab
- Loves A Loaded Gun Bass Tab
- Street Fight Bass Tab
- Pick Up The Bones Tab
- Is It My Body Bass Tab
- Six Hours Chords
- Why Trust You Tab
- Its Me Chords
- Teenage Frankenstein Tab
- Welcome To My Nightmare Tab
- No More Mr Nice Guy (ver2) Tab
- You Make Me Wanna Tab
- House Of Fire Tab
- Wind Up Toy Tab
- Lost In America Chords
- Lost In America Tab
- Feed My Frankenstein (ver2) Bass Tab