Amon Amarth
Biografie Amon Amarth
Amon Amarth este o trupa de death melodic cu teme din mitologia vikingilor, din Suedia fondata in 1990 in Tumba, numita dupa o locatie din Middle-earth de J.R.R. Tolkien. Numele s-ar traduce ca "Muntele Damnarii" din limba Sindarin, una dintre dialectele vorbite de elfi. Cei cinci muzicieni suedezi sunt cunoscuti pentru melodiile inspirate de mitologia scandinava, cu arii ca "The Arrival of The Fimbul Winter", "Pursuit of Vikings" si "Versus the World". Acest element a aparut initial ca un sub-gen al black-metalului cunoscut ca viking metal la inceputul anilor '90, facut mai popular de trupe ca bathory si Enslaved, desi trupa in sine nu exemplifica soundul specific acestui gen. Formata sub numele de Scum , si-au schimbat numele in Amon Amarth in 1992 si au lansat un demo, "The Arrival of Fimbul Winter", in 1994, vanzand toate cele 1000 de discuri demo in mai putin de 12 ore. Odata cu lansarea albumului "Once Sent From the Golden Hall" in 1998 popularitatea lor a crescut la nivel......Toata biografia Amon Amarth
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Stiri cu Amon Amarth
AMON AMARTH a lansat o noua piesa "Saxons And Vikings" impreuna cu BIFF BYFORD
AMON AMARTH a lansat o noua piesa insotita de videoclip, intitulata: „Saxons And Vikings” impreuna cu BIFF BYFORD de la SAXON. Piesa face parte de pe actualul album al lui AMON AMARTH „The Great Heathen Army”. In clip il vedem pe Biff Byford de la SAXON, cantand impreuna cu colegii sai de...
Amon Amarth au revenit cu un nou single, 'Put Your Back Into The Oar'
Noul single a fost inregistrat in luna ianuarie a anului 2021 la Fascination Street Studios alaturi de Jens Bergen si este disponibil prin intermediul casei de discuri Victorious Music. 'Put Your Back Into The Oar' a sosit alaturi de un videoclip oficial realizat in luna octobmrie regizat de catre Ryan MackFall.....
Amon Amarth au lansat o noua versiune pentru 'Masters of War'
Cu ocazia aniversarii a 20 de ani de la lansarea celui de-al treilea material discografic, 'The Crusher', trupa a lansat o noua versiune pentru single-ul extras de pe albumul din 2001. Noua interpretare pentru 'Masters of War' este disponibila pe toate platformele de streaming si poate fi ascultata mai jos.
Amon Amarth au lansat videoclipul pentru 'Fafner's Gold'
Piesa a fost lansata in anul 2019 si este extrasa de pe albumul "Berserker", acesta fiind cel de-al 11-lea material discografic al trupei. Iata ce a declarat formatia: "Berserkers! Behold, this is our week of gold! First, we are very proud to say that our 'Jomsviking' album has been...
Amon Amarth a lansat un clip pentru 'Shield Wall'
Suedezii de la Amon Amarth au lansat un nou clip pentru piesa 'Shield Wall'. Artistii au dorit ca in clip sa arate cat mai aproape de adevar tacticile fe lupta folosite de vikingi. Iata ce a declarat Johan Hegg despre piesa: 'It's about the fighting technique that Vikings used in battle where they...
Videoclipuri Amon Amarth
- Amon Amarth - Runes To My Memory
- Amon Amarth - The pursuit of vikings
- Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
- Amon Amarth - Cry of The Black Birds
- Amon Amarth - Victorious March
- Amon Amarth - Fate of Norns
- Amon Amarth - The Sound of Eight Hooves
- Amon Amarth - Viking Fight
- Amon Amarth - Bleed For Ancient Gods
- Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God
- Guardians Of Asgaard
- Twilight Of The Thunder God
- Cry Of The Black Birds
- Destroyer of the Universe
- Father Of The Wolf
Muzica Amon Amarth
Top Versuri Amon Amarth
The Pursuit Of Vikings
Twilight Of The Thunder God
Guardians Of Asgaard
Cry Of The Black Birds
Where Is Your God?
Runes To My Memory
Varyags Of Miklagaard
An Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm
Live For The Kill
Under The Grayclouded Winter Sky
Destroyer of the Universe
The Dragon's Flight Across The Waves
Death In Fire
Thor Arise
Thousand Years Of Oppression
The Hero
Tattered Banners And Bloody Flags
No Fear For The Setting Sun
Victorious March
Valhall Awaits Me
Prediction Of Warfare
Without Fear
The Fate Of Norns
Burning Creation
Free Will Sacrifice
Amon Amarth
Under The Northern Star
With Oden On Our Side
Valkyries Ride
Gods Of War Arise
A Fury Divine
Burning Creation
Masters Of War
Sorrow Throughtout The Nine Worlds
Legend Of A Banished Man
Eyes of Horror
Ride For Vengeance
The Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter
Bastards Of A Lying Breed
The Sound Of Eight Hooves
Hermod's Ride To Hel (Lokes Treachery Part 1)
Without Fear
God, His Son And Holy Whore
...And Soon The World Will Cease To Be
The Beheading Of A King
North Sea Storm
As Long As The Raven Flies
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Amon Amarth
- Twilight Of The Thunder God Tab
- Pursuit Of Vikings Tab
- Runes To My Memory (ver2) Tab
- Varyags Of Miklagaard Tab
- Pursuit Of Vikings Bass Tab
- Death In Fire Tab
- Victorious March Tab
- In Pursuit Of The Vikings Tab
- Cry Of The Blackbirds Tab
- Runes To My Memory Tab
- Amon Amarth Tab
- No Fear For The Setting Sun Intro Tab
- Under The Northern Star Tab
- The Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter Tab
- Under The Northern Star (ver2) Tab
- Where Silent Gods Stand Guard Tab
- Tattered Banners And Bloody Flags Tab
- Versus The World Intro Tab
- Runes To My Memory (ver5) Tab
- With Oden On Our Side Tab
- Death In Fire Bass Tab
- Thousand Years Of Oppression Bass Tab
- Under The Northern Star Intro Tab
- Bleed For Ancient Gods Tab
- Arson Solo Tab
- Releasing Surturs Fire Tab
- Once Sealed In Blood Bass Tab
- Vallhall Awaits Me Tab
- Death In Fire (ver2) Bass Tab
- Where Death Seems To Dwell Tab
- Vallhall Awaits Me (ver2) Tab
- Runes To My Memory Bass Tab
- Masters Of War Solo Tab
- Risen From The Sea Tab
- With Oden On Our Side (ver2) Tab
- Where Death Seems To Dwell Bass Tab
- Beheading Of A King Tab
- Where Is Your God Tab
- Victorious March Intro Tab
- Fate Of Norns Tab
- Death In Fire (ver2) Tab
- The Last Pagan With Blood Tab
- Cry Of The Blackbirds (ver3) Tab
- As Long As The Raven Flies Tab
- Asator Bass Tab
- Masters Of War Tab
- Runes To My Memory (ver3) Tab
- Cry Of The Blackbirds (ver4) Tab
- Friends Of The Suncross Tab
- Runes To My Memory (ver4) Tab