Avenged Sevenfold
Biografie Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold au luat fiinta in California, in 1999. Au cunoscut succesul mainstream prin intermediul hiturilor Bat Country, Beast and the Harlot, Seize the Day. Au continuat sa isi largeasca numarul de fani odata cu aparitia albumului self-titled, in 2007, care a inclus hituri precum Almost Easy, Afterlife, Dear God. Numele trupei este prescurtat A7X . Stil : metalcore, hard rock Componenta : M. Shadows - voce Synyster Gates - chitara Zacky Vengeance - chitara Johnny Christ - bass The Rev (The Reverend Tholomew Plague) - baterie Discografie : Sounding the Seventh Trumpet (2001) Waking the Fallen (2003) City of Evil (2005) Avenged Sevenfold (2007) Diamonds in the Rough (2008) AVENGED SEVENFOLD www.avengedsevenfold.com www.myspace.com/avengedsevenfold ...Toata biografia Avenged Sevenfold
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Metallica
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Stiri cu Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold vor colabora cu celebrul joc video Fortnite
Avenged Sevenfold a imbratisat cu adevarat noua tehnologie in ultimii ani, de la Deathbats Club pana la sistemul de verificare si recompense bazat pe blockchain, TicketPass. Acum trupa intra si in lumea jocurilor video cu o viitoare colaborare cu Fortnite, jocul extrem de popular in stil Battle Royale, realizat de Epic...
In curand iese noul album Avenged Sevenfold
Potrivit unui tweet al vocalistului M. Shadows, acesta se afla in prezent in studio cu producatorul Joe Barresi (care a lucrat cu trupa la albumul lor din 2016 The Stage) inregistrand vocea cu un invitat special. Noul album Avenged Sevenfold va fi primul lor de la The Stage si este in productie deja de ceva timp....
Avenged Sevenfold au lansat o piesa noua, 'Set Me Free'
Dupa o perioada lunga de timp, Avenged Sevenfold vin in prim plan cu o noua piesa intitulata 'Set Me Free'. Aceasta ar fi trebuit sa fie inclusa pe albumul 'Hail to the King' din 2013 insa nu s-a intamplat. Puteti asculta 'Set Me Free' mai jos.
Avenged Sevenfold au facut un cover dupa 'Wish You Were Here' de la Pink Floyd
Avenged Sevenfold au ales piesa 'Wish You Were Here' de la Pink Floyd pentru a-i face un cover. Au facut si un clip pe care il aveti mai jos. Nu sunt la primul cover, formatia fiind cunoscuta pentru afinitatea lor catre reinterpretarea unor piese cunoscute. Pe lista lor se afla piese de la Pantera,...
Viralul zilei: Cum reactioneaza cei mici la Avenged Sevenfold
Cei de la FBE revin cu un nou clip de genul 'Kids react to...' iar de aceasta data formatia aleasa a fost Avenged Sevenfold. Reactiile au fost oarecum impartite, insa ca un punct comun, multora le-a placut instrumentalul. Ce a iesit vedeti mai jos.
Videoclipuri Avenged Sevenfold
- Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife
- Avenged Sevenfold - A Little Piece Of Heaven
- Avenged Sevenfold - Almost Easy
- Avenged Sevenfold- Seize the day
- Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country
- Avenged Sevenfold - Beast and the Harlot
- Avenged Sevenfold - MIA
- Avenged Sevenfold - Critical Acclaim
- Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger
- Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God
- Buried Alive
- Nightmare
- So Far Away
- Carry On (Call of Duty Black Ops 2)
- Shepherd Of Fire
Top Versuri Avenged Sevenfold
Afterlife (Alternate Version)
Dancing Dead
A Little Piece Of Heaven
Dear God
So Far Away
Girl I Know
Until The End
Almost Easy (CLA Mix)
Flash Of The Blade
Unholy Confessions
Bat Country
To End The Rapture
Seize The Day
Buried Alive
Beast And The Harlot
Critical Acclaim
Almost Easy
Waking The Fallen
Brompton Cocktail
Burn It Down
Trashed And Scattered
Unbound (The Wild Ride)
Clairvoyant Disease
Blinded In Chains
The Wicked End
Critical Acclaim
Eternal Rest
Welcome To The Family
Second Heartbeat
Darkness Surrounding
Chapter Four
Lips Of Deceit
Strength Of The World
Art Of Subconscious Illusion
And All Things Will End
Shattered By Broken Dreams
Turn The Other Way
Breaking Their Hold
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Avenged Sevenfold
- Afterlife (solo) Tab
- Seize The Day Acoustic Solo Tab
- Gunslinger Chords
- Synyster Gates Live Intro Tab
- Blinded In Chains Chords
- Seize The Day Chords
- So Far Away Tab
- Gunslinger Acoustic Chords
- Unholy Confessions Chords
- Seize The Day (ver4) Chords
- Almost Easy Chords
- Unholy Confessions Live Tab
- Dear God Intro Tab
- Warmness On The Soul Chords
- Bat Country Solo Tab
- Sieze The Day Tab
- Unholy Confessions Tab
- Diamonds In The Rough Album Tab
- Scream Tab
- Unholy Confessions Bass Tab
- Warmness On The Soul Acoustic Tab
- Unbound Wild Ride Tab
- Wicked End Bass Tab
- Walk Tab
- Afterlife Tab
- A Little Piece Of Heaven Tab
- Seize The Day (ver2) Chords
- Warmness On The Soul Tab
- Afterlife (ver6) Tab
- Sidewinder Tab
- Warmness On The Soul Solo (ver3) Tab
- Warmness On The Soul Solo Tab
- Warmness On The Soul (ver2) Chords
- Beast And The Harlot Solo Tab
- Warmness On The Soul Bass Tab
- Trashed And Scattered Intro Tab
- Unholy Confessions (ver5) Tab
- Sidewinder Intro Tab
- Unholy Confessions (ver7) Tab
- Walk Bass Tab
- Wicked End Tab
- To End The Rapture Tab
- Warmness On The Soul Solo (ver2) Tab
- Wicked End (ver3) Tab
- Seize The Day (ver2) Tab
- Syns Solo Live Tab
- Unholy Confessions (ver3) Bass Tab
- Tension Tab
- We Come Out At Night Bass Tab
- Sidewinder Intro (ver3) Tab