I was spawned deep beneath the Pre-Cambrian sea, the scion of a far distant
sun... I have traversed the endless stars, and
journeyed to a myriad
galaxies... The dimensional gates of the multiverse are mine to voyage
effortlessly beyond, Cosmic infinity is
naught to one such as I... I am as one
with celestial eternity... Clad in gleaming pentlandite armour, on a whim I
may reshape
entire worlds, Or extinguish the blazing light of a sun... and I
remain forever enchanted by sylphs...
I have seen demons lick
your ivory hands,
And watched you ride naked upon the backs of fire-dragons...
Your eyes sparkle clear as hoar-frost,
And yet
they are thrice as devoid of warmth.
Wielding this power cosmic, the omniverse is mine to conquer!
Our progency shall rule the
very cosmos itself!
Arcane power lances from my fingertips,
Life withers before my baleful gaze.
The proud citadels of great
antediluvian empires
Have been razed to the ground by my zircon blade.
Your invocations unleashed the great worm
compelled the devouring seas to Atlantis...
Riding the screaming crest of fettered lons,
I shall bring my crystalline chaos where
order reigns!
Return with me... beyond the stars...
Rule with me... a thousand worlds...
The Galactic Nexus has empowered
me (I am gloriously, eternally omnipotent!)
And as a god I shall return to the Praesidium of Ys!