Trupa a lansat un nou material discografic prin intermediul casei de discuri Nuclear Blast Records.
'Circus of Doom' contine 10 melodii heavy metal cu influente pop si rock si a fost inregostrat la studiourile JKB din Helsinki si a fost produs si mixat Janne Bjorkroth.
"We wanted to make an absorbing and interesting album that includes both lighter party songs and heavier stuff as well. It's not a theme album in the traditional sense, but rather a versatile entity that sounds like Battle beast, but with new flavors and twists.
The album is named after its theatrical opening track, which is quite a massive song in many ways. It's groovy and catchy, filled with fascinating details, wild orchestrations, big emotions, and many stories. In that way, the song reflects the whole album, and we think it's an ideal title track. Like the song 'Circus of Doom', the whole album is filled with enchanting surprises and wild carnival atmosphere. Like a joyful day at the circus.", a declarat Janne Bjorkroth.
De pe noul disc, trupa a lansat videoclipul pentru noul single 'Wings of Light' care poate fi vizionat mai jos.
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