Battle Beast au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Where Angels Fear To Fly'
10 Ianuarie 2022 de Cristi Nedelcu
Trupa a revenit cu un nou single extras de pe albumul 'Circus Of Doom' care va fi disponibil pe 21 ianuarie via Nuclear Blast Records.
"'Where Angels Fear To Fly' was born of gratitude to those who have had the courage to change the world. With the song we want to show our respect for those who have been cracking unequal structures for generations. It was inspired by our grandparents and other brave pioneers who have worked hard for a more equal society. 'Where Angels Fear To Fly' is dedicated to everyone who has encountered discrimination, unfair obstacles, or prejudices in their lives. It is written as an empowerment song for those who have to struggle to be heard and to gain the appreciation that every single one of us deserves.", a declarat Janne Bjorkroth
Videoclipul pentru 'Where Angels Fear To Fly' a fost regizat de catre Markus Nieminen si poate fi vizionat mai jos.
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