Bob Dylan
Biografie Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan este un conoscut cantaret, autor si compozitor american. El reprezinta o figura importanta in istoria muzicii moderne. Este cunoscut si pentur piesele impotriva razboiului si guvernului, ce dateaza din anii 60. Piesele Blowin in the Wind si The Times They Are a Changin, au devenit adevarate imnuri. Cel mai recent album, Modern Times, a fost lansat in 2006 si a intrat direct pe locul 1 in topurile americane. Astfel, Bob Dylan a devenit cel mai in varsta artist situat pe primele locuri. In acelasi an, Modern Times a fost desemnat albumul anului de catre revista Rolling Stones. Versurile lui Dylan se bazeaza pe politica, viata sociala, filozofie si literatura. De asemenea, artistul imprumuta elemente din muzica folk, country, rock and roll, jazz, swing, hard rock si muzica irlandeza. Dylan canta la chitara, clape si armonica. Alaturi de trupa sa personala, artistul a sustinut turnee majore, in special in anii 80. Cel mai cunoscut turneu este intitulat Never Ending......Toata biografia Bob Dylan
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Stiri cu Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan a ajuns pentru intaia oara pe prima pozitie in topul US Billboard
Bob Dylan a ajuns pe prima pozitia in US Billboard chart pentru prima oara cu singleul 'Murder Most Foul'. Piesa a fost lansata pe 27 Martie si are aproape 17 minute. Dylan nu mai lansase o piesa noua de opt ani. 'Murder Most Foul' face trimitere la asasinarea presedintelui Statelor Unite, John F. Kennedy,...
Bob Dylan va primi premiul Nobel pentru literatura in acest weekend
Bob Dylan, celebrul cantaret american, a accesptat sa isi primeasca medalia si diploma premiului Nobel pentru literatura pe care l-a castigat anul trecut. Artistul a acceptat sa primeasca acest premiu de la reprezentantii Academiei Suedeze in cadrul unei ceremonii intime ce va avea loc in acest weekend in...
Bob Dylan a castigat Premiul Nobel pentru Literatura
Premiul Nobel pentru Literatura in 2016 i-a fost acordat lui Bob Dylan care a devenit astfel primul compozitor ce primeste aceasta onoare. Reprezentantii Academiei Suedeze au declarat ca Bob Dylan a primit premiul "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song...
Bob Dylan lanseaza albumul "Shadows In The Night", pe CD, Vinyl si in magazinele digitale
Primul album lansat de catre Bob Dylan in ultimii 3 ani, " Shadows in the night ", contine 10 melodii produse de catre Jack Frost si este al 36-lea material discografic lansat de catre artist. Anterioarele 5 materiale discografice ale lui Bob Dylan s-au bucurat de succes atat la nivel...
Bob Dylan, dat in judecata pentru insulta publica si incitare la ura
Bob Dylan este unul din ultimii oameni ce ar putea fi acuzati de rasism. Piese ca Blown In The Wind, Only A Pawn In Their Game sau The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll au devenit adevarate imnuri ale miscarii pentru Drepturile Civile. Chiar si in acest context, legendarul cantaret a fost acuzat de autoritatile...
Videoclipuri Bob Dylan
- Lay, Lady, Lay
- Don't Think Twice It's All Right
- Maggie's Farm
- Dreamin Of You
- Beyond Here Lies Nothin
- Must Be Santa
Muzica Bob Dylan
Top Versuri Bob Dylan
Must Be Santa
Forgetful Heart
This Dream Of You
Life Is Hard
Beyond Here Lies Nothin
Little Drummer Boy
Here Comes Santa Claus
Blowin' In The Wind
Hark The Herald Angels Sing
The First Noel
The Christmas Song
Wiggle Wiggle
Christmas Island
One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below)
In The Summertime
All Along The Watchtower
Wiggle Wiggle
Silver Bells
Don't Think Twice, It's Alright
Went To See The Gypsy
The Times They Are A-Changin'
This Wheel's On Fire
O’ Come All Ye Faithful
I’ll Be Home For Christmas
Mr. Tambourine Man
Goin' To Acapulco
Jim Jones (trad. arr. by Bob Dylan)
O’ Little Town Of Bethlehem
Winter Wonderland
Like A Rolling Stone
Visions Of Johanna
Don't Ya Tell Henry
Masters of War
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Little Maggie
Blowin' In The Wind
Two Soldiers
Absolutely Sweet Marie
I Shall Be Free
It's All Good
I Want You
I Want You
Sign On The Window
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
Hurricane (Bob Dylan and Jacques Levy)
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Ballad In Plain D
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Bob Dylan
- Catch The Wind Chords
- Blowing In The Wind (ver8) Chords
- Things Have Changed (ver2) Chords
- Life Is Hard Chords
- Blowing In The Wind Chords
- Who Killed Davey Moore Chords
- Mississippi (ver2) Chords
- Corrina Corrina Intro Tab
- The Man In The Long Chords
- Corrina Corrina Chords
- Blowing In The Wind (ver5) Chords
- Dark Eyes Chords
- Song To Woody Chords
- Oxford Town Chords
- My Back Pages Chords
- Just Like A Woman Tab
- To Ramona Chords
- Workingmans Blues 2 Chords
- A Satisfied Mind Chords
- Blowing In The Wind Tab
- Tambourine Man Chords
- Make You Feel My Love Tab
- You Belong To Me Chords
- Youre Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go Chords
- Tell Ol Bill Chords
- Things Have Changed Chords
- Silvio Chords
- Youre Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (ver2) Chords
- Mr Tambourine Man (ver4) Chords
- Wagon Wheel Chords
- Shelter From The Storm Chords
- The Ballad Of Frankie Lee And Judas Priest Chords
- Thunder On The Mountain Chords
- With God On Our Side Chords
- Mississippi Chords
- Visions Of Johanna Chords
- Subterranean Homesick Blues Chords
- Walking Down The Line Chords
- Knockin On Heavens Door Chords
- Tangled Up In Blue Chords
- The Freewheelin Bob Dylan Tab
- Wicked Messenger Tab
- Born In Time Chords
- James Alley Blues Chords
- The Ballad Of A Thin Man Chords
- When I Paint My Masterpiece Chords
- Youre A Big Girl Now Tab
- Sweetheart Like You Chords
- To Make You Feel My Love (ver2) Chords
- Mr Tambourine Man (ver3) Chords