Carach Angren
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Nightwish
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Negura Bunget
Cradle of Filth
Within Temptation
Dimmu Borgir
Akral Necrosis
Stiri cu Carach Angren
Carach Angren au lansat clipul pentru 'Franckensteina Strataemontanus'
Trupa a lansat videoclipul oficial pentru single-ul care da si numele viitorului album ce a fost lansat anul acesta pe 26 iunie. "We hereby proudly present you the visual horror that is ‘Franckensteina Strataemontanus!’ Over the last few months, we worked with director Zoran Bihac and producer...
Noul album Carach Angren, 'Franckensteina Strataemontanus', este disponibil la streaming
Noul material este cel de-al saselea album de studio al trupei fiind lansat via Season Of Mist. Cel mai recent material al trupei a fost "Dance and Laugh Amongst the Rotten" din 2017, fiind lansat via Season Of Mist. Trupa ofera noul album integral ce contine 11 melodii, pe YouTube. Albumul poate fi...
Carach Angren au lansat single-ul 'Operation Compass'
Trupa a lansat cel de-al treilea single de pe viitorul lor material "Franckensteina Strataemontanus". "'Operation Compass' will take you back to the sceneries of World War II in North Africa. British forces were instructed to use Dippel's bone oil to poison water wells in case of a retreat, hence...
Asculta integral noul album Carach Angren 'Dance And Laugh Amongst The Rotten'
Olandezii de la Carach Angren au lansat in data de 16 iunie cel de-al cincilea album de studio pe care il semneaza "Dance And Laugh Amongst The Rotten". Acesta poate fi ascultat integral pe pagina de YouTube Season of Mist . "Dance And Laugh Amongst The Rotten" tracklist: 1.Opening...
Carach Angren au lansat piesa 'Charlie'
Olandezii de la Carach Angren au lansat o noua piesa extrasa de pe albumul "Dance and Laugh Amongst the Rotten" ce va ajunge la fani incepand cu data de 16 iunie, via Season of Mist. Piesa "Charlie" poate fi ascultata mai jos. "Dance and Laugh Amongst the Rotten" t racklist:...
Top Versuri Carach Angren
La Malediction De La Dame Blanche
Corpse In A Nebulous Creek
Heretic Poltergeist Phenomena
Hexed Melting Flesh
The Sighting Is A Portent Of Doom
A Strange Presence Near The Woods
The Carriage Wheel Murder
Phobic Shadows And Moonlit Meadows
Haunting Echoes From The Seventeenth Century
After Death Premises
Ethereal Veiled Existence
The Ghost Of Raynham
Yonder Realm Photography
Al Betekent Het Mijn Dood
Van Der Decken s Triumph
Electronic Voice Phenomena