Biografie Carcass
Trupa britanica de death metal/grindcore Carcass a fost infiintata de chitaristul Bill Steer (Napalm Death) impreuna cu bateristul Ken Owen in 1985, in orasul Liverpool. In 1987 li s-a alaturat vocalul si basistul Jeff Walker. Carcass au debutat in activitatea muzicala ca o trupa de grindcore, dar treptat stilul lor s-a schimbat. Cel mai cunoscut album al lor, "Heartwork" , este mai melodic fata de primele materiale. Dupa aparitia acestui album, trupa semneaza cu Columbia Records. Multi fani acuza trupa ca ar fi devenit comerciala, abandonand sound-ul primelor materiale. Dupa inregistrarea albumului "Heartwork", Michael Amott paraseste trupa. Este inlocuit de Mike Hickey si apoi de Carlo Regadas. Carcass se despart dupa aparitia albumului "Swansong" , care incorporeaza mai multe genuri, de la thrash la doom. Ken, Jeff si Carlo infiinteaza proiectul Blackstar, care se destrama dupa ce Ken are o hemoragie cerebrala. Michael Amott infiinteaza celebra trupa de death metal melodic,......Toata biografia Carcass
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Stiri cu Carcass
Carcass au lansat single-ul 'Kelly's Meat Emporium'
Trupa a lansat un nou single extras de pe viitorul album 'Torn Arteries' care va fi disponibil pe 17 septembrie via Nuclear Blast Records. "The working title for 'Kelly's' was originally 'Stock Carcass'. We knew that one was a real meat-and-potatoes track for the album." Meanwhile, the elevated speed and...
Carcass au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Slaughtered In Soho'
Piesa este preluata de la cel mai recent EP al trupei, 'Despicable', care a fost lansat pe 30 octombrie, via Nuclear Blast. "Here's the final track from the offcuts of the new album recording session that we decided to make available as an EP in order to tide people over. David Castillo, who recorded and...
Carcass au lansat un nou single, 'The Long And Winding Bier Road'
Piesa este preluata de pe viitorul EP al trupei, "Despicable", material ce va fi lansat pe 30 octombrie via Nuclear Blast. "Well, the COVID situation has put the release of the new CARCASS album on the backburner for the time being. Given that we said there'd be new music in August, we thought...
Carcass a reprogarmat data lansarii noului album
Carcass au anuntat ca noul lor album "Torn Arteries", inatarzie sa apara din cauza pandemiei COVID-19. Trupa a anuntat ca noul LP va fi lansat pe 7 august via Nuclear Blast Records. "Well there's no way our new album is gonna get released in August now, what with the ongoing pandemic, CD &...
Ben Ash a parasit Carcass
Ben Ash a hotarat sa paraseasca formatia Carcass pentru a se dedica unor proiecte personale. Britanicii i-au gasit deja inlocuitor. Noul chitarist al formatiei este Tom Draper. Vorbind despre plecarea sa, Ash a declarat: "At the start of 2018, I decided to come away from the touring...
Videoclipuri Carcass
Top Versuri Carcass
No Love Lost
Doctrinal Expletives
Don't Believe A Word
Cross My Heart
This Mortal Coil
No Love Lost
Carneous Cacoffiny
Corporal Jigsore Quandary
Black Star
Genital Grinder
R**k The Vote
This Is Your Life
Symposium Of Sickness
Carnal Forge
Emotional Flatline
Frenzied Detruncation
Excreted Alive
Room 101
Pedigree Butchery
Arbeit Macht Fleisch
Maggot Colony
Regurgitation Of Giblets
Microwaved Uterogestation
Burnt To A Crisp
Manifestation On Verrucose Urethra
Forensic Clinicism / The Sanguine Article
Keep On Rotting In The Free World
Vomited Anal Tract
Mucopurulence Excretor
Lavaging Expectorate Of Lysergide Composition
Ever Increasing Circles
Incarnated Solvent Abuse
Carbonized Eyesockets
Feast On Dismembered Carnage
Pungent Excruciation
Go To Hell
Incarnated Solvent Abuse
Pyosified (Still Rotten To The Gore)
Oxidised Razor Masticator
Exhume To Consume
Death Certificate
Pyosisified (Rotten To The Gore)
Malignant Defecation
Buried Dreams
Generation Hexed
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Carcass
- Cadaveric Incubator Of Endoparasites Tab
- Tools Of The Trade Tab
- Tomorrow Belongs To Nobody Tab
- Pedegree Butchery Tab
- Heartwork Tab
- Buried Dreams Tab
- Reek Of Putrification Tab
- Reek Of Putrefaction Tab
- No Love Lost Tab
- Hepatic Tissue Fermentation Tab
- No Love Lost Intro Tab
- Reek Of Putrefaction (ver2) Tab
- This Mortal Coil Tab
- Corporeal Jigsore Quandary Tab
- Heartwork (ver2) Tab
- Symposium Of Sickness Tab
- Go To Hell Tab
- Death Certificate Solo Tab
- Firmhand Tab
- Arbeit Macht Fleisch Tab
- Edge Of Darkness Tab
- Blind Bleeding The Blind Tab
- Death Certificate Tab
- Exhume To Consume Tab
- Carnal Forge Tab
- Embodiment Tab
- Incarnate Solvent Abuse Tab
- Empathological Necroticism Tab
- Cross My Heart (ver2) Tab
- Blood Splattered Banner Tab
- Keep On Rotting In The Free World Tab
- Ruptured In Purulence Tab
- Ruptured In Purelence Tab
- Polarised Tab
- Carneous Cacoffiny Tab
- Black Star Tab
- Childs Play Tab
- Genital Grinder Tab
- Rot N Roll Tab
- Oxidised Razor Masticador Tab
- Blind Bleeding The Blind (ver2) Tab
- This Is Your Life Tab
- Forensic Clinicism Tab
- Rock The Vote Tab
- Doctrinal Expletives Tab
- Carnal Forge (ver2) Tab
- Cross My Heart Tab
- Childs Play (ver2) Tab
- Edge Of Darkness Solo Tab
- Blood Spattered Banner Tab