Def Leppard
Biografie Def Leppard
Def Leppard este definitia pura a muzicii hard rock din anii 80. Au fost multe formatii care cantau rock si cu mult mai obsedate decat cei cinci baieti din Sheffield, dar putine altele au reusit sa surprinda spiritul acelor vremuri asa cum au reusit ei. Desi nascuti cu muzica heavy metal britanica, trupa se apropia mai multe de rock-ul glam al anilor 70 sunetul lor semana cu T. Rex, Mott the Hoople, Queen si Led Zeppelin .
Prin ritmurile originale si versurile sugestive, Def Leppard au urcat pe treapta succesului odata cu lansarea albumului Pyromania", pe care l-au promovat prin intermediul canalului MTV. Imaginea atragatoare a baietilor si videoclipurile bine realizate au constituit un avantaj. Au dorit sa lanseze un nou album dar un eveniment tragic avea sa le zdruncine cariera: tobosarul formatiei si-a pierdut mana intr-un accident.
Def Leppard a reusit sa depaseasca aceasta dezamagire lansand Hysteria". La inceputul anilor 90, trupa a decis sa abordeze......Toata biografia Def Leppard
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Stiri cu Def Leppard
Def Leppard au lansat single-ul 'Take What You Want'
Def Leppard au lansat cel mai recent single al lor care va fi inclus pe viitorul album de studio 'Diamond Star Halos' care va fi disponibil pe 27 mai. Noul single poate fi ascultat mai jos.
Def Leppard au lansat single-ul 'Kick' si anunta un nou album
Def Leppard au reveit cu un nou single si au anuntat ca vor lansa un nou material discografic pe 27 mai. Noul album se numeste 'Diamond Star Halos' si este cel de-al doisprezecelea album de studio al trupei. Acestva va fi disponibil in format digital, o editie Deluxe si o versiune de vinil 2-LP. Noul single...
Def Leppard aniverseaza 33 de ani de 'Hysteria'
Def Leppard sarbatoresc cea de-a 33-a aniversare a abumului lor din 1987, "Hysteria", printr-un videoclip lansat pe canalul lor de YouTube prin care prezinta diferite informatii despre cel mai de succes material al trupei. "Hysteria" a fost produs de Mutt Lange, si a ajuns pe primul loc...
Def Leppard aniverseaza 40 de ani de "On Through The Night"
Albumul de debut "On Through The Night" este sarbatorit print-un episod special al emisiunii de radio "The Stories Behind History’s Greatest Rock Bands" "The memory is etched in my mind to this day: an intrepid Mercury Records promotion man, Cliff Burnstein, working out of their...
S-a hotarat cine va face parte din Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Tocmai s-a anuntat cine va face parte din Rock and Roll Hall of Fame de anul viitor. 'Sefa de promotie este formatia Def Leppard, trupa infiintata in 1977 in Sheffield. Formatia a primit cele mai multe voturi din partea fanilor. Alaturi de Def Leppard vor mai ajunge in celebra galerie a...
Videoclipuri Def Leppard
- 05. Pour Some Sugar on Me
- Animal
- Nine Lives
- C'mon C'mon
- Live @ Romexpo Bucuresti 2008
- Def Leppard - Nine Lives
- Def Leppard - Love Bites
- Def Leppard - Hysteria
- Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages (1983)
- Def Leppard - Two Steps Behind
- Def Leppard - When Love And Hate Collide
- Def Leppard - Lets Get Rocked
- Def Leppard - Rocket
- Def Leppard - Animal
- Def Leppard - Bringin On The Heartbreak
- Def Leppard - Gods of War
- Def Leppard - Photograph
- Def Leppard - No Matter What
- Def Leppard - Foolin
- Def Leppard - Let It Go
Muzica Def Leppard
Top Versuri Def Leppard
Mirror, Mirror (Look Into My Eyes)
Come Undone
Only The Good Die Young
Gotta Let It Go
C'mon C'mon
Pour Some Sugar On Me
Cruise Control
Bad Actress
Love Bites
Nine Lives
Nine Lives
Long, Long Way To Go
06 10538 Overture
01 20th Century Boy
Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad
Love Bites
Four Letter Word
13 Dont Believe A Word
05 Hell Raiser
Let s Get Rocked
Make Love Like A Man
03 You are So Beautiful
It's Only Love
Kings Of Oblivion
Too Late For Love
Demolition Man
Love And Affection
Truth? (Original Version)
08 Drive In Saturday
Day After Day
Dont Shoot Shotgun
All I Want Is Everything
Rock it
He's Gonna Step On You Again
10 Billy s Got A Gun
Gods Of War
03 Hanging On The Telephone
Love Don't Lie
Miss You In A Heartbeat
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Def Leppard
- Love Bites Chords
- Bringin On The Heartbreak Chords
- Hysteria Chords
- Pour Some Sugar On Me Chords
- Two Steps Behind Tab
- Miss You In A Heartbeat Chords
- Foolin Tab
- Two Steps Behind Chords
- Waterloo Sunset Bass Tab
- Photograph Tab
- Wasted Tab
- Mirror Mirror Look Into My Eyes Tab
- Animal Chords
- Where Does Love Go When It Dies Chords
- Long Long Way To Go Intro Tab
- When Love And Hate Collide Tab
- Pour Some Sugar On Me Bass Tab
- Foolin Chords
- Hysteria Tab
- Switch 625 Bass Tab
- Tonight Intro Tab
- Ziggy Stardust Bass Tab
- Tonight Tab
- Love And Hate Collide Chords
- Too Late For Love Tab
- Two Steps Behind Bass Tab
- Women Tab
- Two Steps Behind (ver2) Tab
- Two Steps Behind Solo (ver2) Tab
- Rock Of Ages Tab
- Pour Some Sugar On Me Tab
- Armageddon It Tab
- When Love And Hate Collide Chords
- When Love And Hate Collide Solo Tab
- Rock Of Ages (ver4) Tab
- Two Steps Behind Solo Tab
- Mirror Mirror Look Into My Eyes Intro Tab
- Armageddon It Bass Tab
- No Matter What Intro Tab
- Rock On Bass Tab
- Two Steps Behind (ver3) Tab
- Stagefright Live Intro Tab
- Rock Of Ages (ver2) Tab
- Wasted Bass Tab
- Let It Go Tab
- Miss You In A Heartbeat (ver2) Chords
- Two Steps Behinde Solo Tab
- Rocks Off Intro Tab
- Stand Up Bass Tab
- Tonight Solo Tab