Destruction au lansat documentarul 'Live Through Corona Times'
15 Iulie 2020 de Cristi Nedelcu
Documetarul prezinta povestea organizarii concertului sustinut de trupa in Elvetia pe data de 3 iulie in plina pandemie si distantare sociala.
Iata ce a declarat solistult trupei, Marcel Schirmer:
"It feels a little bit surreal. Nobody expected this to come back so quick, but we’re in the lucky position to live on the Swiss border, and Switzerland is far ahead of all the other countries and are doing concerts in two weeks…
And there are very little corona cases, so that will be an interesting experience. Of course, a little weird, also, but we’re looking forward.
I think it’s going to feel weird to play a show again, because this is the first time in 20 years that we didn’t play a show in three months. It’s the longest time ever. It’s very exciting, of course. We look forward to playing again, but it’s going to feel a little weird, for sure."
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