The Dillinger Escape Plan
Stiluri: Experimental
Biografie The Dillinger Escape Plan
The Dillinger Escape Plan (cunoscuti si sub numele de DEP) este o trupa de mathcore ce a devenit populara, datorita vitezei de executie precum si a tehnicii folosite in compunerea pieselor. De asemenea, sunt considerati drept cea mai buna trupa live din America. Numele este un omagiu adus lui John Dillinger , celebrul spargator de banci al anilor 30. Show-urile formatiei includ jocuri de lumini, flacari, precum si alte efecte speciale. Trupa ramane foarte controversata in America, majoritatea promoterilor locali refuzand sa organizeze concerte DEP, datorita interactiunilor violente dintre public si vocal. Stil: mathcore Componenta: Greg Puciato - voce Bne Weinman - chitara Jeff Tuttle - chitara Liam Wilson - bas Gil Sharone - tobe Discografie: Calculating Infinity (1999) Miss Machine (2004) Ire Works (2007) DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN ...Toata biografia The Dillinger Escape Plan
Artisti cu stiluri similare: System of a Down
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Stiri cu The Dillinger Escape Plan
The Dillinger Escape Plan au anuntat oficial ca se destrama ca trupa
Se pare ca 2017 va fi ultimul an in care The Dillinger Escape Plan va mai urca pe scena. Prima oara informatia a aparut anul trecut in August. De atunci au fost activi si nu s-a mai adus in discutie despartirea formatiei. Saptamana aceasta insa au fost anuntate 3 concerte despre care formatia spune ca sunt...
The Dillinger Escape Plan: Declaratie oficiala despre accidentul din Polonia
The Dillinger Escape Plan au publicat o declaratie oficiala de presa in legatura cu accidentul rutier ce a avut loc in acest weekend, in timp ce formatia se indrepta spre Cracovia. In urma nefericitului incident, 13 persoane au ajuns la spital, insa cu rani usoare. Declaratie formatiei poate fi citita mai jos....
The Dillinger Escape Plan au fost implicati intr-un accident rutier
Membrii formatiei The Dillinger Escape Plan au fost implicati intr-un accident rutier in urma caruia apoximativ 13 persoane au ajuns la spital. Formatia, care sustine in Europa turneul de adio, se indrepta catre Cracovia unde aveau sa cante pentru publicul polonez cel mai recent album al lor, cand un camion a...
The Dillinger Escape Plan au lansat piesa 'Symptom of Terminal Illness'
Piesa "Symptom of Terminal Illness" este extrasa de pe noul si ultimul album din cariera trupei The Dillinger Escape Plan, "Dissociation", ce va fi lansat pe data de 14 Octombrie. The Dillinger Escape Plan pregatesc un turneu de adio ce va ajunge si in Europa. Orasele in care puteti vedea...
The Dillinger Escape Plan au anuntat datele ultimului turneu european
Nu mai este o noutate ca The Dillinger Escape Plan pregatesc ultimul turneu din cariera lor, imediat dupa lansarea albumului "Dissociation". Formatia a postat pe facebook urmatorul mesaj: "The end is near party peoplllllllllllle. But not yet... not yet. So we had all of the fun getting up...
Videoclipuri The Dillinger Escape Plan
- The Dillinger Escape Plan - Milk Lizard
- The Dillinger Escape Plan - Panasonic Youth
- The Dillinger Escape Plan - Setting Fire To Sleeping GIants
- The Dillinger Escape Plan - Suger Coated Sour
- The Dillinger Escape Plan - Come To Daddy (Live)
- The Dillinger Escape Plan - Unretrofied
- Dillinger Escape Plan and Mike Patton - Pig Latin
- Dillinger Escape Plan - Sunshine the Werewolf
- The Dillinger Escape Plan - Phone Home
- The Dillinger Escape Plan - Mullet Burden
- The Dillinger Escape Plan - Black Bubblegum + Fix Your Face
- Dillinger Escape Plan - The Running Board and Jim Fear
- The Dillinger Escape Plan and Mike Patton - Malpractice
- Dillinger Escape Plan - 43 Percent Burnt
- The Dillinger Escape Plan - The Perfect Design
- The Dillinger Escape Plan - Milk Lizard
- The Dillinger Escape Plan - Baby's First Coffin Live
- Farewell, Mona Lisa
- Matematica si arta in muzica
- Gold Teeth On A Bum
Top Versuri The Dillinger Escape Plan
Calculating Infinity
Variations On A Cocktail Dress
Panasonic Youth
Weekend Sex Change
Proceed With Caution
We Are The Storm
Sandbox Magician
Destro's Secret
Three For Flinching (Revenge Of The Porno Clowns)
When Good Dogs Do Bad Things
Perfect Design
Star Diez Two Dots
Sunshine The Werewolf
Come To Daddy
Pig Latin
Hollywood Squares
Setting Fire To Sleeping Giants
I Love Secret Agents
Highway Robbery
Gold Teeth On A Bum
The Running Board
The Mullet Burden
Abe The Cop
Jim Fear
4th Grade Dropout
Van Damsel
Sugar Coated Sour
43% Burnt
Baby's First Coffin
Clip The Apex...Accept Instruction
Phone Home
Cleopatra's Sling
Farewell, Mona Lisa
Chinese Whispers
Good Neighbor
Crystal Morning
Parasitic Twins
I Wouldnt If You Didnt
Room Full Of Eyes
Endless Endings
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords The Dillinger Escape Plan
- Panasonic Youth Tab
- Panasonic Youth (ver2) Tab
- Sugar Coated Sour Solo Tab
- Highway Robbery Intro Tab
- Unretrofied Tab
- When Good Dogs Do Bad Things Tab
- Unretrofied (ver2) Tab
- Phone Home Bass Tab
- Sugar Coated Sour Tab
- Highway Robbery Bass Tab
- 43 Percent Burnt Jazz Break Tab
- Unretrofied Bass Tab
- Sugar Coated Sour Bass Tab
- Phone Home Tab
- The Mullet Burden Tab
- Setting Fire To Sleeping Giants Tab
- Setting Fire To Sleeping Giants Bass Tab
- Pig Latin Tab
- Babys First Coffin Tab
- Room Full Of Eyes Tab
- Chinese Whispers Intro Tab
- Wish Tab