Elton John
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Stiri cu Elton John
Elton John lanseaza o serie de concerte online
Material se numeste "Elto John:Classic Concert Series" si este disponibil in fiecare vineri, incepand de pe 3 iulie, pe canalul sau de YouTube . Toate veniturile stranse de pe urma seriei, vor fi donate fundatiei Elton John AIDS Foundation’s. "My foundation's COVID-19 emergency fund helps...
Jack White si Elton John vor colabora intr-un proiect BBC
Elton John si Jack White si-au unit fortele intr-un nou proiect, mai exact "American Epic" - un show in 6 episoade despre istoria Blues-ului. Produs de Robert Redford si BBC , programul il va include si pe T-Bone Burnett , iar muzicienii vor inregistra coloana sonora a show-ului cu ajutorul...
Billy Joel ar putea reveni pe scena, alaturi de Elton John
Se zvoneste ca Billy Joel ar putea sarbatori revenirea rapida de dupa dubla operatie la solduri alaturandu-se amicului sau Elton John pe scena in martie. Evenimentul ar trebui sa se desfasoare in Madison Square Garden din New York. Joel a suferit operatia in noiembrie, insa la doua saptamani dupa aceea deja...
Elton John va fi editor la ziar
Elton John este invitat de fie editor petnru editia din data de 1 decembrie a ziarului The Independent. Solistul va acoperi un subiect dedicat Zilei Internationale A SIDA in publicatia britanica, iar profiturile adunate din vanzarea ziarului vor fi donate la Fundatia Elton John Pentru SIDA. "Am fost...
Legendele Elton John si Leon Russell colaboreaza pentru "The Union"
“The Union”, mult asteptatului album ce marcheaza colaborarea a doua legende ale muzicii, Sir Elton John si Leon Russell va fi disponibil din 25 octombrie. Produs de renumitul T Bone Burnett, castigator a mai multor premii Grammy si Oscar, cel care a a fost rasplatit in 2010 cu Grammy-ul producatorul...
Videoclipuri Elton John
Muzica Elton John
Top Versuri Elton John
Neanderthal Man
Candle In The Wind
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Tiny Dancer
Your Song
Victim Of Love
Porch Swing In Tupelo
The Ballad Of Danny Bailey
Grey Seal
Texan Love Song
Honky Cat
They Call Her The Cat
This Song Has No Title
Circle Of Life
I've Seen The Saucers
Jamaica Jerk Off
Johnny B. Goode
Razor Face
Two Rooms At The End Of The World
When A Woman Doesn't Want You
Can You Feel The Love Tonight
Love Of The Common People
Original Sin
Roy Rodgers
Candy By The Pound
Lady D'Arbanville
Bitter Fingers
Breaking Hearts (Ain't What It Used To Be)
Chasing The Crown
Crocodile Rock
Durban Deep
Hard Luck Story
Rocket Man (I Think It's Going To Be A Long Long Time)
Solar Prestige A Gammon
Stones Throw From Hurtin'
The Cage
The Camera Never Lies
The Wide-Eyed And Laughing
When I Think About Love (I Think About You)
Where To Now St. Peter?
All Quiet On The Western Front
Burning Buildings
Fascist Faces
Fisrt Episode At Hienton
Have Mercy On The Criminal
I Need You To Turn To
Li'L Frigerator
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Elton John
- Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word Tab
- Hakuna Matata Chords
- Your Song (ver6) Chords
- Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word Chords
- Nakita Chords
- Circle Of Life Chords
- Your Song Chords
- Be Prepared Chords
- Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word (ver2) Chords
- Sacrifice Chords
- Living Like Horses Chords
- Measure Of A Man Chords
- Nikita Chords
- Candle In The Wind Chords
- The Way You Look Tonight Chords
- All The Girls Love Alice Chords
- The One Chords
- Skyline Pigeon Chords
- Benny And The Jets Chords
- Tiny Dancer Chords
- Withouth Questions Chords
- Im Still Standing Chords
- I Want Love (ver3) Chords
- Sacrifice (ver2) Chords
- Der Ewige Kreis Chords
- Birds Chords
- Daniel Chords
- Your Song (ver2) Chords
- Funeral For A Friend Chords
- Roy Rogers Chords
- Step Into Christmas Chords
- Sacrifice (ver3) Chords
- Your Song (ver3) Chords
- Written In The Stars Chords
- Rocket Man Chords
- Greatest Discovery Chords
- Original Sin (ver2) Chords
- We All Fall In Love Sometimes Chords
- Your Song (ver7) Chords
- You Got To Love Someone Chords
- Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters Chords
- The Way You Look Tonight (ver2) Chords
- Tower Of Babel Chords
- This Train Dont Stop There Anymore Bass Tab
- Tiny Dancer Tab
- Yellow Brick Road Chords
- Tonight Chords
- Tiny Dancer Acoustic (ver2) Chords
- Wake Up Wendy Chords
- The Last Song Chords