Biografie Hatebreed
Hatebreed este o trupa americana formata in Conneticut, la initiativa lui Jamey Jasta. Intital formatia purta numele de Jasta 14 si practica un stil foarte apropiat de hardcore punk. Primul material inregistrat a fost un demo de 3 piese pe care l-au vandut in cadrul concertelor locale. A urmat EP-ul Under the Knife , lansat in 1996. Albumul de debut, Satisfaction is the Death of Desire , lansat sub egida Victory Records. Discul a depasit recordul casei de discuri pentru albumul de debut cu cele mai mari vanzari. Au urmat turnee alaturi de Slayer , Deftones, Entombed si Napalm Death. Influentele de old school metal, se pot gasi si pe albumele Perseverance si The Rise of Brutality. Dupa lansarea discului din 2003, Hatebreed a pornit in Europa alaturi de Slayer si Slipknot. Cel mai recent album semnat Hatebreed se intituleaza Supremacy . Momentan, trupa lucreaza la un nou album. Stil: hardcore/metalcore Componenta: Jamey Jasta - voce Frank Novinec - chitara Chris......Toata biografia Hatebreed
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Truda
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Stiri cu Hatebreed
In curand se va lansa noul album al lui JAMEY JASTA (Hatebreed)
In curand se va lansa noul album al lui JAMEY JASTA (Hatebreed) care va include colaborari cu membri ANTHRAX, TESTAMENT & EXODUS! Albumul este ”o scrisoare de dragoste pentru muzica thrash”, conform declaratiilor lui Jamey. Solistul Hatebreed, Jamey Jasta, lucreaza la noul sau album Jasta, cu o mana...
Hatebreed au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Instinctive (Slaughterlust)'
Piesa provine de pe cel mai recent album al trupei, 'Weight of the False Self', care este disponibil prin intermediul casei de discuri Nuclear Blas Records. Clipul pentru 'Instinctive (Slaughterlust)' contine imagini din cadrul turneului Metal Tour of the Year, sustinut alaturi de Megadeth, Lamb of God si Trivium....
Hatebreed au lansat videoclipul pentru noul single 'Instinctive (Slaughterlust)'
Melodia face parte de pe viitorul material al trupei, 'Weight Of The False Self', care va fi lansat pe 27 noiembrie via Nuclear Blast Records. "In a fight for survival, which a lot of us are right now, we must channel our inner animal and trust our instincts.", a declarat Jamey Jasta. Noul material...
Hatebreed va lansa noul album in noiembrie
Hatebreed au oferit detalii despre albumul "Weight Of The False Self", acestia au declarat ca noul material va fi lansat pe 27 noiembrie via Nuclear Blast Records. Trupa a dezvaluit tracklistul albumului: 01. Instinctive (Slaughterlust) 02. Let Them All Rot 03. Set It Right (Start...
Hatebreed si-au amanat lansarea noului album
Noul material semnat Hatebreed urma sa fie lansat la inceputul acestui an, insa din cauza pandemiei coronavirus, lansarea s-a amanat. Intrebat pe Twitter cand va fi lansat noul album, Jamey Jasta a raspuns astfel: "[The] album is postponed indefinitely. I'm told retail + pressing plants in EU &...
Videoclipuri Hatebreed
- Hatebreed - To The Threshold
- Hatebreed - Destroy Everything
- Hatebreed - Defeatist
- Hatebreed - Perseverance
- Hatebreed - Proven (Live At Ozzfest)
- Hatebreed - Puritan - Live Hell Fest 2001
- Hatebreed - To the Threshold
- Hatebreed - This Is Now (live)
- Hatebreed - I Will Be Heard (live hellfest 2003)
- Ghosts Of War
- Thirsty And Miserable
- In Ashes They Shall Reap
- Everyone Bleeds Now
- Honor Never Dies
Muzica Hatebreed
Top Versuri Hatebreed
Destroy Everything
Ghosts Of War
11. Final Prayer
04. Filth
10. Hollow Ground
09. Bloodsoaked Memories
04. Live for This
05. Doomsayer
11. Choose or Be Chosen
Never Let It Die
06. Below the Bottom
08. Unloved
01. Tear It Down
02. Perseverance
Spitting Venom
01. Smash Your Enemies
05. Not One Truth
Last Breath
02. Straight to Your Face
12. Confide in No One
13. Healing to Suffer Again
02. Kill An Addict
14. Judgement Strikes (Unbreakable)
05. A Call for Blood
08. Beholder of Justice
Empty Promises
07. Puritan
07. We Still Fight
15. Remain Nameless
06. Another Day, Another Vendetta
09. This Is Now
07. A Lesson Lived Is a Lesson Learned
Betrayed by Life
Supremacy Of Self
Burn the Lies
Worlds Apart
04. I Will Be Heard
10. Voice of Contention
Immortal Enemies
01. Proven
03. Facing What Consumes You
Prepare for War
06. Severed
12. Smash Your Enemies
Give Wings To My Triumph
As Diehard As They Come
03. Under The Knife
Mark My Words
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Hatebreed
- To The Treshold Bass Tab
- Spitting Venom Tab
- Hollow Ground Bass Tab
- Destroy Everything Tab
- Voice Of Contention Tab
- Live For This (ver2) Tab
- Divine Judgement Bass Tab
- To The Threshold Tab
- Hollow Ground Tab
- I Will Be Heard Tab
- Doomsayer Bass Tab
- Not One Truth (ver2) Tab
- Live For This Tab
- Most Truth Intro Tab
- Empty Promises Tab
- Filth Tab
- I Will Be Heard (ver2) Bass Tab
- Perseverance Tab
- Supremacy Of Self Tab
- Immortal Enemies Bass Tab
- Live For This Intro Tab
- Prepare For War Tab
- Most Truth Bass Tab
- Empty Promises Bass Tab
- Horros Of Self Bass Tab
- Burial For The Living Bass Tab
- Not One Truth Tab
- Give Wings To My Triumph Intro Tab
- Perseverence Tab
- Facing What Consumes You (ver3) Tab
- Live For This (ver3) Tab
- Spitting Venom Bass Tab
- Live For This (ver4) Tab
- Last Breath (ver2) Tab
- Straight To Your Face Tab
- Mark My Words (ver2) Tab
- This Is Now Intro Tab
- This Is Now Tab
- Horror Of Self Tab
- Last Breath Tab
- I Will Be Heard Bass Tab
- Live For This (ver3) Bass Tab
- Live For This Bass Tab
- This Is Now (ver2) Tab
- Last Words Tab
- Facing What Consumes You (ver2) Tab
- Defeatist Bass Tab
- I Will Be Heard (ver3) Tab
- Tear It Down Tab
- Kill An Addict Tab