Biografie Hypocrisy
Hypocrisy este o trupa suedeza de death metal, formata in 1990 de catre Peter Tagtgren . Versurile primelor albume trateaza satanismul si anti-crestinismul. Tematica albumelor recente se concetreaza in special pe subiecte ce apartin domeniului extraterestru sau paranormal. Stilul formatiei a evoluat de la death metal, la melodic death. Cel mai recent disc, Virus , contine versuri tipice death metal, ce trateaza violenta, nebunia, razboiul si luptele emotionale. Stil: death metal/melodic death Componenta: Peter Tagtgren - voce/chitara/synth Mikael Hedlund - bas Horgh - tobe Klas Ideberg - chitara Discografie: Penetralia (1992) Osculum Obscenum (1993) The Fourth Dimension (1994) Abducted (1996) The Final Chapter (1997) Hypocrisy (1999) Into the Abyss (2000) Catch 22 (2002) The Arrival (2004) Virus (2005) HYPOCRISY www.hypocrisy.tv www.myspace.com/hypocrisy ...Toata biografia Hypocrisy
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Stiri cu Hypocrisy
Hypocrisy au lansat un clip pentru 'Children of the Grey'
Trupa suedeza a lansat un videoclip oficial pentru cel mai recent single extras de pe albumul 'Worship', care va fi disponibil pe 26 noiembrie via Nuclear Blast. Peter Tagtgren a declarat urmataorele: " Costin Chioreanu did an amazing job with his drawings. He illustrated my words perfectly. If we...
Hypocrisy au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Dead World'
Noua melodie este extrasa de pe albumul 'Cult' care va fi lansat pe 26 noiembrie via Nuclear Blast Records. Liderul trupei Peter Tagtgren a declarat urmatoarele: "Dead World’ is a song that Sebastian wrote for our father/son project that never saw the light of day. When he started playing the song, I...
Hypocrisy au inceput inregistrarile unui nou album
Hypocrisy au incepeut sa lucreze la un nou material discografic. Anuntul a fost facut de Peter Tagtgren care a anuntat in social media ca urmeaza sa inregistreze vocea. Iata ce a declarat artistul: "Let’s give the vocals for Hypocrisy new album another shot and finish it before we’re...
Lindemann, proiectul lui Till Lindemann si Peter Tagtgren, anunta al doilea album
Lindemann, proiectul dintre Till Lindeman, solistul Rammstein, si Peter Tagtgren din Pain si Hypocrisy revine in forta. Dupa ce in 2015 au lansat 'Skills In Pills', acestia vor ca pana la finalul anului sa mai scoata un album.
HYPOCRISY este al doilea nume confirmat la Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2019
Legendara trupa de melodic death metal condusa de Peter Tagtgren a fost infiintata in 1991, in Ludvika, Suedia. Desi forma sa actuala s-a conturat abia la inceputul anilor '90, Hypocrisy a inceput ca un proiect solo apartinand lui Tagtgren, numit 'Seditious'. Primele piese ale formatiei aveau sound-ul...
Videoclipuri Hypocrisy
- Hypocrisy - Roswell 47
- Hypocrisy - Eraser
- Hypocrisy - Eraser (Live)
- Hypocrisy - Warpath
- Hypocrisy - Fire In The Sky
- Hypocrisy - Roswell 47
- Hypocrisy - A Coming Race
- Hypocrisy - Pleasure Of Molestation
- Hypocrisy - Final Chapter
- Weed Out The Week
Muzica Hypocrisy
Top Versuri Hypocrisy
The Gathering
All Turns Black
Deathrow (No Regrets)
Roswell 47
Osculum Obscenum
Fire In The Sky
Left To Rot
Mind Corruption
Impotent God
Disconnected Magnetic Corridors
The Fourth Dimension
A Coming Race
Roswell 47
Fuck U
Killing Art
A Thousand Lies
Exclamation Of A Necrofag
Roswell 47
A Public Puppet
Apocalyptic Hybrid
Slippin' Away
Fusion Programmed Minds
Seeds Of The Chosen One
Inferior Devoties
Until The End
Path To Babylon
Strange Ways
Black Forest
Never To Return
Request Denied
God Is A...
To Escape Is To Die
Mental Emotions
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Hypocrisy
- Black Magic Tab
- Eraser Tab
- Eraser Bass Tab
- Evil Invaders Tab
- Adjust The Sun Tab
- Roswell 47 Tab
- Death Row Tab
- Stillborn Tab
- Apocalypse Tab
- Compulsive Psychosis Intro Tab
- Paled Empty Sphere Tab
- Left To Rot Tab
- Pleasure Of Molestation Tab
- Disconnected Magnetic Corridors Tab
- Shamateur Tab
- God Is A Lie Tab
- A Thousand Lies Solo Tab
- Reincarnation Tab
- Penetrailia Tab
- Exclamation Of A Necrofag Tab
- Fire In The Sky Tab
- When The Candle Fades Tab
- The North Wind Tab
- Slippin Away Tab
- Path To Babylon Tab
- Impotent God Tab
- Ressurrected Tab
- Final Chapter Bass Tab
- A Comming Race Tab
- Take The Throne Tab
- Departure Tab
- Jesus Fall Tab
- The Fourth Dimension Tab
- Reversed Reflections Tab
- The Arrival Of The Demons Tab
- Burned By The Cross Tab
- Orgy In Blood Tab
- Inseminated Adoption Tab
- Burn By The Cross Tab
- Buried Tab
- Dominion Tab
- Unleash The Beast Tab
- Roswell 4 Tab
- Attachment To The Ancestor Tab
- Slaughtered Tab
- Elastic Inverted Visions Tab
- Nightmare Tab
- Mind Corruption Tab
- The Beginning Of The End Tab
- Abyss Tab