Stiluri: Death
Biografie Immolation
Trupa americana de death metal Immolation s-a infiintat in New York in anul 1986, la initiativa lui Andrew Sakowicz (bass si voce). Acesta l-a cooptat pe bateristul Dave Wilkinson. Formatia s-a numit initial Rigor Mortis , schimbandu-si numele in Immolation in 1988. Primul demo, Warriors of Doom, apare sub titulatura Rigor Mortis, in timp ce al doilea, intitulat Demo I, este inregistrat sub numele de Immolation. Americanii semneaza un contract cu Roadrunner Records, unde apare albumul lor de debut, Dawn of Possession . Ceva mai tarziu, respectiva casa de discuri reziliaza contractele cu majoritatea formatiilor de death metal, printre care si Immolation. Urmatoarele trei albume ale americanilor apar la Metal Blade Records. Dupa lansarea Here in After, bateristul Craig Smilowski paraseste trupa si este inlocuit de Alex Hernandez. Versurile trupei au evoluat de la o atitudine anticrestina si antireligioasa in general, la o abordare a temelor politice actuale. Ultimul material......Toata biografia Immolation
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Stiri cu Immolation
Immolation au lansat un videoclip pentru 'Blooded'
Pentru a sarbatori lansarea noului lor album de studio 'Acts Of God', trupa de death metal a prezentat un videoclip pentru piesa 'Blooded'. "Finally, after 5 long years, we are excited to unleash the full fury of our new album Acts Of God upon the world! We thank all our fans worldwide for their patience and...
Immolation au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'The Age of No Light'
Trupa de death metal au lansat cel de-al doilea single extras de pe albumul 'Acts Of God' care va fi disponibil pe 18 februarie via Nuclear Blast Records. Basistul trupei, Ross Dolan, a declarat urmatoarele: "We are very excited to unveil the next single ‘The Age of No Light’ to all the...
Immolation au revenit cu un nou single dupa o pauza de 5 ani, 'Apostle'
Trupa a revenit cu un nou single extras de pe viitorul album 'Acts of God', careva fi disponibil pe 18 februarie via Nuclear Blast Records.. Noul single a sosit alaturi de un videoclip ce poate fi vizionat mai jos.
Immolation au lansat un videoclip pentru 'Rise The Heretics'
Trupa a lansat un material video creat si regizat de Robert Vigna pentru single-ul preluat de pe albumul din 2017, 'Atonement'. "We want to thank all our fans for their tremendous support and patience during the last few years. We have one last offering from the Atonement album that we would like to...
Immolation si Broken Hope pornesc in turneu european
Grupul american Immolation va porni intr-un nou turneu european programat in perioada ianuarie/februarie, 2014. Trupa ii va avea ca invitati speciali pe americanii din Broken Hope. Ambele trupe isi vor promova noile albume: Immolation - Kingdom Of Conspiracy si Broken Hope - Omen Of Disease. Acestea...
Videoclipuri Immolation
Top Versuri Immolation
Passion Kill
Internal Decadence
Fall In Disease
Under The Supreme
Breathing The Dark
After My Prayers
Rival The Eminent
Swarm Of Terror
World Agony
The Weight Of Devotion
The Condemned
Of Martyrs & Men
Despondent Souls
Lying With Demons
No Forgiveness (Without Bloodshed)
Rigor Mortis
A Kingdom Divided
Burial Ground
Dawn Of Possession (Live)
Towards Earth
Deliverer Of Evil
Failures For Gods
Unholy Cult
Son Of Iniquity
Den Of Thieves
Into Everlasting Fire
Warriors Of Doom
No Jesus, No Beast
Put My Hand Into The Fire
The Struggle Of Hope And Horror
Nailed To Gold
Here In After
Away From God
God Made Filth
Father You're Not A Father
Those Left Behind
Dead To Me
Whispering Death
Dawn Of Possession
Fall From A High Place
Harnessing Ruin
Hates Plague
Sinful Nature
Your Angel Died
Higher Coward
Furthest From The Truth