Infected Rain au lansat o noua piesa, insotita de videoclip: "Lighthouse"
08 Februarie 2024 de Cristi Nedelcu
Celebra trupa de alternativ metal, Infected Rain, au lansat un nou single insotit de videoclip chiar inainte de lansarea a celui de-al saselea lor album de studio, „Time”, programata pentru vineri, 9 februarie.
Videoclipul noii melodii „Lighthouse” a fost realizat de regizorul Vadim Ojog.
Nu uitati ca aveti ocazia sa vedeti trupa live la METALHEAD MEETING 2024 la Romexpo intre 17-20 iulie. Biletele pentru festival se gasesc in reteaua si online aici.
Infected Rain au declarat: “From the shores of our minds to the reality of our lives, ‘Lighthouse‘ represents a power that we hold inside of us. This track reminds us that the universe dances to the rhythm of our thoughts. All our thoughts are waves in the endless galaxy of creation. It’s a call to stay strong, to remain devoted to your dreams, and to realize the potential of what you can create. In the grand clockwork of ‘Time‘, every second is a chance to surf through your reality, shaping it with the power of your mind. Join us on this journey through ‘Time“, where each song is a tick towards a reality crafted by you, for you.”
Vizionati videoclipul mai jos.
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