James Morrison
Stiluri: Alternative
Pop rock
Biografie James Morrison
James Morrison s-a nascut in Rugby, Warwickshire, Marea Britanie pe 13 august 1984. A debutat in 2006 cu single-ul You Give Me Something, care a devenit iemdiat un hit in Europa, Australia si Japonia. Undiscovered, albumul de debut James Morrison, a intrat pe prima pozitie in topul britanic. In septembrie 2008, James Morrison si-a lansat cel de-al doilea album, intitulat Songs for You, Truths for Me. Discografie: Undiscovered (2006) Songs for You, Truths for Me (2008) JAMES MORRISON www.jamesmorrisonmusic.com www.myspace.com/jamesmorrisonmusic ...Toata biografia James Morrison
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Green Day
30 Seconds to Mars
Depeche Mode
Stiri cu James Morrison
T in the Park 2012: Cum ar trebui sa arate un festival (video)
Festivalului T In The Park 2012, care s-a desfasurat in perioada 6-8 iulie in Kinross, Scotia, a avut o atmosfera extrem de placuta, in care fanii au cantat constant in cor hiturile pe care le iubim cu totii ale multelor trupe de renume invitate. De exemplu, solista Florence Welch a coborat in public, a...
Urmariti noul videoclip James Morrison, Please Don't Stop The Rain!
Noul videoclip James Morrison , intitulat Please Don't Stop The Rain, poate fi vizionat pe METALHEAD accesand link-ul de mai jos: Videoclip James Morrison - Please Don't Stop The Rain
Cel mai celebru cuplu nou infiintat din muzica rock
Din seria WTF Is This News, va anuntam care este cel mai nou si mai rebel cuplu de muzicieni, considerati de presa britanica - inca nu se stie din ce motive - cea mai "rock" pereche. Este vorba despre James Morrison si nimeni alta decat rebela Amy Winehouse. Cei doi au colaborat in trecut pe plan...
James Morrison adora sa fie pe scena
James Morrison a declarat intr-un interviu recent ca ii place senzatia pe care o are atunci cand se afla pe scena. Ma simt foarte natural pe scena. Desi sunt foarte obositoare, iubesc turneele , a spus solistul. Turneul nord-american al artistului debuteaza astazi, si are urmatoarele date si locatii: Jan 26 Seattle...
Videoclipuri James Morrison
- One Last Chance
- Wonderful World
- You Make It Real
- Broken Strings
- Nothing Ever Hurt Like You
- James Morrison - Undiscovered
- James Morrison - Pieces Don t Fit Anymore
- James Morrison - This Boy
- James Morrison - You Give Me Something
- Broken Strings
- Please Don't Stop The Rain
- Please Don't Stop The Rain
- Get To You
- Up (ft Jessie J)
Top Versuri James Morrison
Please Don't Stop The Rain
Broken Strings
Nothing Ever Hurt Like You
Love Is Hard
If You Don't Wanna Love Me
Precious Love
You Make It Real
Once When I Was Little
Dream On Hayley
The Only Night
Save Yourself
The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore
You Give Me Something
Fix The World Up For You
Call the Police
Wonderful World
Get To You
This Boy
Under the Influence
One Last Chance
The Last Goodbye
The Letter
Better Man
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords James Morrison
- Man In The Mirror Chords
- You Give Me Something Chords
- Better Man Chords
- Nothing Ever Hurt Like You Chords
- Call The Police Chords
- Undiscovered Chords
- If The Rain Must Fall Chords
- You Give Me Something (ver2) Chords
- Pieces Dont Fit Anymore (ver2) Chords
- One Last Chance Chords
- Last Goodbye Chords
- Undiscovered (ver2) Chords
- Its Too Late Chords
- Burns Like Summer Sun Chords
- Wonderful World (ver3) Chords
- Pieces Dont Fit Anymore Chords
- How Come Chords
- The Only Night Chords
- Wonderful World (ver2) Chords
- This Boy Intro Tab
- This Boy Chords
- Wonderful World Chords
- Valerie Chords
- Under The Influence Chords
- If The Rain Must Fall (ver2) Chords
- Letter Chords
- Pieces Dont Fit Anymore Tab
- The Pieces Dont Fit Anymore Chords
- Pieces Dont Fit Anymore (ver2) Tab
- Once When I Was Little ver2 Chords
- In My Dreams Chords
- If You Dont Wanna Love Me ver2 Chords
- Get To You Chords
- Dream On Hayley Chords
- Precious Love Chords
- Wonderful World ver4 Chords
- Pieces Dont Fit Anymore ver3 Chords