Monster Magnet
Stiluri: Stoner
Biografie Monster Magnet
SPV Records
Formed in:
Stoner metal
Current members:
Dave Wyndorf - vocals, guitar
Ed Mundell - guitar
Jim Baglino - bass
Bob Pantella - drums
Former musicians:
John McBain - guitars
Tim Cronin - vocals, bass
Tom Diello - drums
Joe Calandra - bass
Jon Kleiman - drums
Phil Caivano - guitar
Michael Wildwood - drums
Monster......Toata biografia Monster Magnet
Artisti cu stiluri similare: ROCKON
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Stiri cu Monster Magnet
Monster Magnet au o noua poveste video: "The Duke"
Dupa ce, in 2013, americanii lansau "Last Patrol", iata ca, la numai un an distanta, pe 18 noiembrie 2014, Monster Magnet revine cu "Milking The Stars: A Reimagining Of Last Patrol" - o varianta re-imaginata a discului anterior. Pe langa piesele reinregistrate intr-o noua forma,...
Monster Magnet anunta o varianta alternativa a albumului "Last Patrol" (audio)
Dupa ce in 2013 isi lansau cel de-al noualea disc - "Last Patrol", Monster Magnet revin si anunta aparitia unei variante alternative a acestuia. "Milking The Stars: A Reimagining Of Last Patrol", care urmeaza a fi publicat oficial pe 18 noiembrie, este o varianta reimaginata,...
Monster Magnet vor prezenta live albumul Dopes To Infinity
Monster Magnet vor prezenta integral albumul Dopes To Infinity in cadrul a doua concerte din Anglia: Thu. 24: Glasgow Garage Fri. 25: London Koko 'Cand am compus albumul in 1995 mi-am imaginat o calatorie hard rock, un trip plin de sunete si stiluri din era psihedelica. Am vrut ca acest...
Gogol Bordello si Kyuss Lives! la Rockwave 2011 Grecia
Festivaului Rockwave 2011 va avea loc in perioada 1-3 iulie la Terra Vibe Park din Atena, Grecia. Printre artistii confirmati pana acum se afla: Gogol Bordello Kyuss Lives! Monster Magnet Flogging Molly Therapy? Marky Ramones Blitzkrieg Cake The Stranglers Pretul biletelor variaza intre...
Monster Magnet au fost intervievati in Austria (video)
Stormbringer a realizat un interviu cu Phil Caivano, chitaristul formatiei Monster Magnet, cu ocazia concertului sustinut in Viena in data de 5 decembrie. Conversatia poate fi urmarita mai jos. Monster Magnet au revenit recent in atentia publicului cu un nou album intitulat...
Videoclipuri Monster Magnet
- Monster Magnet - Medicine
- Monster Magnet - Unbroken
- Monster Magnet - Monolithic
- Monster Magnet - Powertrip
- Monster Magnet - Atomic Clock
- Monster Magnet - Ozium
- Monster Magnet - Snake Dance
- Monster Magnet - 4-Way Diablo
- Monster Magnet - Lizard Johnny
- Monster Magnet - Live For The Moment
- Monster Magnet - Dopes To Infinity (Live)
Top Versuri Monster Magnet
I'm Calling You
Blow Your Mind
Little Bag Of Gloom
12. CNN War Theme
Freeze And Pixillate
03. Space Lord
09. Master of Light
4-Way Diablo
08. 3rd Eye Landslide
05. Ego, the Living Planet
Down In The Jungle
No Vacation
09. King of Mars
01. Slut Machine
03. On the Verge
07. The Right Stuff
Wall Of Fire
09. See You in Hell
10. Tractor
11. Atomic Clock
06. Monolithic
07. Third Alternative
09. My Little Friend
01. Melt
A Thousand Stars
02. Powertrip
11. Ultimate Everything
10. Too Bad
05. Bummer
02. Supercruel
05. Radiation Day
Slap In The Face
11. Cry
13. Silver Future [*]
04. Unbroken (Hotel Baby)
08. Gravity Well
Solid Gold
11. Theme From "Masterburner"
12. Take It
13. Your Lies Become You
06. Kiss of the Scorpion
You're Alive
06. Baby Gtterdmerung
03. Look to Your Orb for the Warning
08. I Control, I Fly
01. Crop Circle
07. 19 Witches
02. Heads Explode
03. Doomsday
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Monster Magnet
- Powertrip ver3 Tab
- Spacelord Chords
- Dopes To Infinity Tab
- Space Lord Tab
- Black Balloon Tab
- Space Lord Chords
- Lizard Johnny Tab
- Powertrip (ver2) Tab
- Spacelord Tab
- Crop Circle Tab
- Live For The Moment Tab
- Temple Of Your Dreams Tab
- Look To Your Orb For The Warning Tab
- Negasonic Teenage Warhead Tab
- Space Lord Bass Tab
- Unbroken Hotel Baby Tab
- Your Lies Become You Tab
- Space Lord (ver2) Tab
- Heads Explode Tab
- Theme From Masterburner Bass Tab
- Powertrip Tab
- Nod Scene Tab
- Lizard Johnny Chords
- Cage Around The Sun Tab
- Doomsday Tab
- See You In Hell Bass Tab
- Radiation Day Tab
- Kiss Of The Scorpion Tab
- Atomic Clock Tab
- Heads Explode (ver2) Tab
- See You In Hell Tab
- All Shook Out Tab
- Look To Your Orb For The Warning Bass Tab
- Master Of Light Tab
- Bummer Tab
- Melt Tab
- Ozium Chords
- Blow Em Off Tab
- Tractor Tab
- Sins A Good Mans Brother Tab
- Nineteen Witches Tab
- Black Bag Tab
- Slut Machine Tab
- Powertrip Bass Tab