Mr Big
Stiluri: Hard Rock
Artisti cu stiluri similare: AC/DC
Guns N Roses
Linkin Park
Bon Jovi
Deep Purple
Led Zeppelin
Stiri cu Mr Big
O noua piesa Mr. Big, online: "I Forget To Breathe" (audio)
"I Forget To Breathe", o noua piesa semnata Mr. Big, a fost postata online si poate fi ascultata mai jos. Compozitia este preluata de pe "…The Stories We Could Tell", cel de-al optulea album al trupei, a carui lansare oficiala este programata pentru 30 septembrie....
Mr. Big va invita sa cunoasteti "The Monster In Me" (audio)
"The Monster In Me", cea mai noua piesa semnata Mr. Big, poate fi ascultata mai jos, fiind preluata de pe cel de-al optulea disc al trupei - "…The Stories We Could Tell". Albumul a fost produs de catre Pat Regan, cunoscut pentru colaborarea cu Deep Purple si Warrant,...
Asculta o noua piesa Mr. Big (audio)
"Gotta Love The Ride", o noua piesa Mr Big preluata de pe "...The Stories We Could Tell" este disponibila online. Noul album va fi disponibil incepand cu 30 septembrie si a fost produs de catre Pat Regan, cunoscut pentru colaborarile avute cu Deep Purple, Warrant sau Keel....
Mr. Big anunta detaliile viitorului album
"…The Stories We Could Tell", cel de-al optulea album de studio va putea fi achizitionat incepand cu 19 septembrie. Mr. Big au intrat in studio in luna iunie a acestui an, rezultand 13 noi piese, discul continand, drept bonus, si o piesa live. Nu demult, trupa a anuntat...
Bateristul Mr. Big, diagnosticat cu parkinson
Pat Torpey, bateristul trupei Mr. Big, n-a fost menajat de verdictul medicilor, temerile sale din ultimii ani fiind confirmate: sufera de parkinson. Prin urmare, Pat nu va mai fi alaturi de colegii sai in viitorul turneu care promoveaza noul album de studio - „The Stories We Could...
Top Versuri Mr Big
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Mr Big
- All The Way Up Chords
- Wild World Chords
- Green Tinted Sixties Mind Chords
- Shine Chords
- Wild World Tab
- Wild World (ver5) Chords
- Shine Tab
- Wild World (ver2) Chords
- Stay Together Tab
- Wild World Bass Tab
- To Be With You Chords
- Stranger In My Life Chords
- Green Tinted Sixties Mind Acoustic Chords
- The Whole Worlds Gonna Know Tab
- Wild World (ver2) Bass Tab
- Superfantastic Chords
- Wild World (ver4) Chords
- To Be With You Bass Tab
- To Be With You Tab
- You Dont Have To Be Strong Chords
- Just Take My Heart Tab
- Wild World (ver3) Chords
- To Be With You (ver3) Chords
- To Be With You (ver4) Tab
- Take CoverTab
- If That What It Takes Chords
- To Be With You Solo Tab
- Anything For You Tab
- Goin Where The Wind Blows Tab
- Promise Her The Moon Tab
- To Be With You (ver2) Chords
- Seven Impossible Days Chords
- Colorado Bulldog Intro Tab
- Green Tinted Sixties Mind Tab
- Ill Leave It Up To You Chords
- Voodoo Kiss Tab
- Superfantastic (ver2) Chords
- Nothing But Love Tab
- Next Time Around Intro Tab
- You Don't Have To Be Strong Chords
- Addicted To That Rush Intro Tab
- Cdff Lucky This Time Chords
- If Thats Whats It Takes Tab
- To Be With You (ver3) Tab
- To Be With You (ver2) Tab
- Green Tinted Sixties Mind (ver2) Tab
- Not One Night Tab
- Promise Her The Moon Bass Tab
- Road To Ruin Tab
- The Whole Worlds Gonna Know Chords