Biografie Mushroomhead
Tara: SUA Stil: industrial/numetal/shock rock Discografie: 1995: Mushroomhead 1996: Superbuick 1999: M3 2001: XX (compilation album and studio album) 2003: XIII 2006: Savior Sorrow Componenta : Jeffrey Nothing voce Waylon voce Gravy chitara Pig Benis bass Shmotz clape ST1TCH samplere Skinny tobe MUSHROOMHEAD ...Toata biografia Mushroomhead
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Stiri cu Mushroomhead
Mushroomhead au anuntat un nou album si au lansat primul single insotit de clip de pe acesta
Ultimul material discografic lansat de Mushroomhead in 2014. Anul acesta formatia din Cleveland va reveni cu un nou album. Discul se va numi 'A Wanderful Life' si va fi lansat pe 19 Iunie prin Napalm Records. Acum putem asculta primul single pentru care avem si un clip, 'Seen It All'. Il puteti...
Mushroomhead: Clip nou, cu tematica "nazista" (video)
Mushroomhead, grupul industrial / alternative metal din Ohio, a lansat recent un nou videoclip - "Out of My Mind". Preluata de pe noul album editat de catre Megaforce Records - "The Righteous & The Butterfly", piesa beneficiaza de un clip ce infatiseaza trupa (purtand...
Solistul Mushroomhead a fost intervievat in turneul cu Hed (PE) (video)
Jeffrey Nothing, solistul Mushroomhead, a fost intervievat recent inainte de concertul de pe 6 mai din Nebraska, sustinut in cadrul turneului cu (HED) P.E. Interviul poate fi vazut mai jos. Cel mai recent album al trupei, " Beautiful Stories For Ugly Children ", a fost lansat in septembrie 2010....
Asculta o noua piesa a supergrupului Scelestus
Scelestus (pronuntat sha-less-tus), noul proiect in care activeaza solsitul Jason Popson (Ex-Mushroomhead), tobosarul Steve Felton (Mushroomhead) si chitaristul Tommy Church (The Autumn Offering) au lansat un EP self-titled via Filthy Hands/Megaforce. Tracklist-ul EP-ului este:...
Scelestus, un nou supergrup american
Scelestus (pronuntat sha-less-tus), noul proiect in care activeaza solsitul Jason Popson (Ex-Mushroomhead), tobosarul Steve Felton (Mushroomhead) si chitaristul Tommy Church (The Autumn Offering) au lansat un EP self-titled via Filthy Hands/Megaforce. Grupul va lansa in toamna si un album de...
Top Versuri Mushroomhead
The Dream is Over
These Filthy Hands
The War Inside
Thirteen / Crazy
The New Cult King
Solitaire Unraveling
Destroy the World Around Me
Before I Die
The Wrist
Born Of Desire
Too Much Nothing
2nd Thoughts
Never Let It Go
Becoming Cold (216)
Along The Way
Conflict-The Argument Goes On
Fear Held Dear
Sun Doesn't Rise
The Final Act
Our Own Way
Exploiting Your Weakness
Kill Tomorrow
Mother Machine Gun
One More Day
Nowhere To Go
Chancre Sore
Idle Worship
Ego Trip
Big Brother
Almost Gone
Come On
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Mushroomhead
- Burn Tab
- Before I Die Tab
- Almost Gone (ver2) Tab
- Sun Doesnt Rise Tab
- Born Of Desire Tab
- Fallen (ver2) Tab
- 12 Hundred (ver2) Tab
- Erase The Doubt Tab
- Embrace The Ending Tab
- Save Us Tab
- Crazy Bass Tab
- Before I Die Bass Tab
- These Filthy Hands Tab
- Solitaire Unraveling Intro Bass Tab
- Your Soul Is Mine Tab
- Episode 29 Bass Tab
- Solitaire Unraveling Tab
- Before I Do Bass Tab
- Thirteen Tab
- Sun Doesnt Rise Bass Tab
- Our Own Way (ver2) Tab
- Before I Die (ver2) Tab
- Xeroxed (ver2) Tab
- 2nd Thoughts Bass Tab
- 12 Hundred Bass Tab
- Becoming Cold Tab
- Slow Motion Bass Tab
- Xeroxed Bass Tab
- Simpleton Tab
- Wrist Bass Tab
- 43 Tab
- These Filthy Hands (ver3) Tab
- Nowhere To Go (ver3) Tab
- One More Day (ver2) Tab
- Crazy (ver2) Bass Tab
- Simple Survival Tab
- Almost Gone Bass Tab
- Xeroxed Tab
- Sun Doesnt Rise (ver2) Tab
- One More Day Tab
- The New Cult King Tab
- Before I Die (ver3) Tab
- Destroying The World Around Me Tab
- Almost Gone ver4 Tab
- Empty Spaces Tab
- Our Own Way Tab
- Wrist Tab
- Bwomp Bass Tab
- Damage Done Tab
- Mother Machine Gun Bass Tab