Stiluri: Progressive
Biografie Opeth
Opeth sunt o trupa de death metal progresiv, ce provine din Suedia. Avand puternice influente de metal scaninav, formatia a inceput sa includa elemente de jazz, rock progresiv, blues si folk. Inca de la semnarea primului contract, trupa a lansat 9 albume, un DVD, plus un box-set. Opeth a fost format in Stockholm, Suedia, la inceputul anului 1990. Membrul fondator este David Isberg . Acesta l-a invitat pe Mikael Akerfeldt sa se alature trupei. Acesta din urma a apelat la tobarul Anders Nordin si Nick Doring. Ulterior, Andeas Dimeo a devenit al doilea chitarist al trupei. Dupa primul concert sustinut, Dimeo si Doring au parasit trupa. Kim Patterson si Johan DeFarfalla s-au alaturat trupei. Dupa concert, DeFrfalla a parasit Opeth. In 1992, Isenberg a parasit trupa datorita divergentelor muzicale. Mikael a ocupat postul de vocal. Primul album, Orchild, a fost lansat in 1994 de catre Candlelight Records. In acelasi an, DeFargall se intoarce in trupa. Productia albumului a fost......Toata biografia Opeth
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Stiri cu Opeth
Opeth s-au despartit de bateristul Martin 'Axe' Axenrot
Trupa a anuntat printr-o postare pe pagina de Facebook vestea despartirii de catre bateristului Martin 'Axe' Axenrot. Trupa a postat urmatorul mesaj: "Due to a conflict of interests, Martin Axenrot is no longer part of the OPETH collective. His replacement for the North American tour with MASTODON...
Opeth a lansat o piesa noua, 'Dignity'
Pe 27 Septembrie, Opeth va lansa un nou album intitulat 'In Cauda Venenum'. Materialul va fi disponibil atat in suedeza cat si in engleza. De pe acest viitor disc formatia a ales sa ofere mai devreme fanilor piesa 'Dignity' (Svekets Prins in suedeza) O puteti asculta mai jos.
Opeth a lansat o piesa noua, 'Heart In Hand'
Opeth vor lansa pe 27 Septembrie un nou album intitulat 'In Cauda Venenum', materialul urmand sa fie al 13-lea disc al formatiei. De pe aceast album au lansat piesa 'Heart In Hand' pe care o puteti asculta mai jos. 'In Cauda Venenum' va avea doua versiuni, una cu versuri in suedeza si o alta cu versuri in...
Opeth a anuntat detalii despre viitorul album
Opeth a anuntat primele detalii despre cel de al 13-lea material discografic al formatiei. Acesta se va numi 'In Cauda Venenum' si va fi lansat cel mai sigur in toamna acestui an. Albumul va fi disponibil atat in suedeza cat si in engleza. Mai jos aveti tracklistul albumului precum si artworkul...
Opeth a lansat un clip pentru 'Demon of the Fall'
Opeth a lansat un clip live pentru piesa 'Demon of the Fall de pe albumul 'Garden of Titans: Live at Red Rocks Amphitheatre'. Albumul va fi lansat pe data de 2 Noiembrie. Clipul il vedeti mai jos.
Videoclipuri Opeth
Top Versuri Opeth
Porcelain Heart
Den Standiga Resan
Heir Apparent
04. For Absent Friends
02. In My Time of Need
07. Credence
05. To Bid You Farewell
Hex Omega
06. Demon of the Fall
09. Epilogue
03. Harvest
Ghost Of Perdition
04. Black Rose Immortal
02. Night & The Silent Water
The Lotus Eater
03. Silhouette
04. Closure
03. Benighted
03. Death Whispered a Lullaby
05. Face of Melinda
01. Windowpane
05. Dirge for November
Hessian Peel
04. Madrigal
05. Hope Leaves
03. A Fair Judgement
The Apostle In Triumph
02. Under the Weeping Moon
08. Karma
02. April Ethereal
01. Wreath
02. Deliverance
04. Forest of October
01. Advent
04. The Drapery Falls
06. Requiem
02. Bleak
01. The Leper Affinity
Still Day Beneath The Sun
05. The Twilight Is My Robe
03. Nectar
08. Weakness
The Grand Conjuration
Isolation Years
01. Prologue
06. The Funeral Portrait
07. Patterns in the Ivy
01. The Moor
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Opeth
- Soldier Of Fortune Chords
- Den Standiga Resan Chords
- Hope Leaves Tab
- Hope Leaves ver4 Tab
- Death Whispered A Lullaby Tab
- Harvest Tab
- In My Time Of Need Tab
- Cody You Birthday Song Tab
- Harvest (ver3) Tab
- Ending Credits Bass Tab
- Grand Conjuration (ver2) Bass Tab
- To Rid The Disease Tab
- Windowpane Tab
- Madrigal Intro Tab
- Soldier Of Fortune Tab
- In My Time Of Need (ver3) Tab
- Patterns In The Ivy Chords
- In My Time Of Need Bass Tab
- Patterns In The Ivy Tab
- Patterns In The Ivy Ii (ver2) Tab
- To Bid You Farewell Tab
- Hope Leaves (ver2) Tab
- Face Of Melinda Bass Tab
- Harvest (ver2) Tab
- Patterns In The Ivy Ii Tab
- In My Time Of Need (ver2) Tab
- Ending Creditsbest Solo Tab
- To Bid You Farewell Bass Tab
- Hours Of Wealth Bass Tab
- Windowpane (ver2) Tab
- Hours Of Wealth Tab
- The Moor Tab
- To Rid The Disease Bass Tab
- Isolation Years Tab
- Still Day Beneath The Sun Tab
- Under The Weeping Moon Tab
- The Twilight Is My Robe Solo Tab
- Windowpane (ver2) Bass Tab
- Hope Leaves (ver2) Bass Tab
- To Rid The Disease Solo Tab
- To Bid You Farewell (ver2) Bass Tab
- Grand Conjuration Bass Tab
- Wreath Bass Tab
- A Fair Judgement Tab
- Ending Credits (ver2) Bass Tab
- Wrought Tab
- Remember Tomorow Intro Tab
- Requiem Tab
- The Drapery Falls Tab
- Closure Tab