Plain White Ts
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Nickelback
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Stiri cu Plain White Ts
Asculta integral noul album Plain White T's
Acum puteti asculta integral si gratuit nou album semnat Plain White T's pe AOL Music . Albumul se numeste " Wonders of the Younger ", lansat pe 7 decembrie sub Hollywood Records. Tracklistul albumului este: "Irrational Anthem" "Boomerang" "Welcome to...
Top Versuri Plain White Ts
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Plain White Ts
- Hey There Delilah Chords
- Hey There Delilah (ver4) Chords
- Sunlight Chords
- Hey There Delilah Tab
- Someday Chords
- A Lonely September (ver2) Chords
- Hey There Delilah (ver2) Chords
- Hey There Delilah (ver5) Chords
- Let Me Take You There Chords
- A Lonely September Chords
- Hey There Delilah (ver3) Tab
- Rainy Day Chords
- Write You A Song Chords
- I Really Want You Chords
- Hey There Delilah (ver3) Chords
- Let Me Take You There Intro Tab
- Welcome To Mystery Chords
- A Lonely September (ver3) Chords
- Let Me Take You There (ver2) Chords
- Radios In Heaven Chords
- Hey There Delilah Bass Tab
- Revenge Intro (ver2) Tab
- Revenge Bass Tab
- Faster Intro Tab
- Hey There Delilah (ver4) Tab
- Anything Bass Tab
- Hey There Delilah (ver2) Tab
- Fireworks Bass Tab
- Write You A Song (ver4) Tab
- Our Time Now Chords
- Lazy Day Afternoon Intro Tab
- Umbrella (ver2) Tab
- Shine Tab
- Easy Way Out Intro Tab
- Radios In Heaven (ver2) Chords
- A Lonely September (ver2) Tab
- Breakdown Chords
- Your Fault Intro Tab
- Breakdown Solo Tab
- Revenge Intro Tab
- Take Me Away Tab
- Penny Tab
- Fireworks Chords
- Come On OverChords
- Hate I Really Dont Like You Chords
- What If Solo Tab
- What More Do You Want (ver2) Tab
- Sad Story Bass Tab
- Umbrella Tab
- Shine (ver2) Tab