Biografie Radiohead
Radiohead a fost una dintre putinele formatii care cantau rock alternativ in anii 90 si care urmau calea faimosilor U2 . Trupa si-a impus stilul prin linia melodica grava, ce sugereaza sentimentul de tristete si nervozitate. Versurile solistului Thom Yorke au fost aduse la viata de acordurile celor trei chitare; linia melodica este inspirata din muzica lui My Bloody Valentine, Pink Floyd , R.E.M. si Pixies. A trecut ceva timp pana cand Radiohead si-a definitivat stilul. Albumul din 1993, Pablo Honey", a promovat o piesa de mare succes - Creep" - si a conferit fanilor rock alternativ pur. Multi critici erau nedumeriti in ceea ce priveste genul de muzica abordat insa albumul urmator, The Bends", aparut in Marea Britanie in 1995, a lamurit lumea intreaga. Dovedind o exuberanta de invidiat si o ambitie fara limite, Radiohead a lansat OK Computer", o colectie de melodii progresiv si electronice, ajunse pe locurile de top. Thom Yorke (solist, chitarist), Ed O'Brien (chitarist, solist),......Toata biografia Radiohead
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Stiri cu Radiohead
The Smile este mai mult decat o trupa desprinsa din celebra formatie Radiohead, este un real fenomen muzical
Va prezentam povestea The Smile, o trupa secundara desprinsa din Radiohead, formata din solistul Radiohead Thom Yorke si chitaristul principal Jonny Greenwood care alaturi de tobosarul de jazz Tom Skinner, au format acest grup unic. Artistii creeaza o atmosfera cu totul si cu totul speciala pe noul lor...
Radiohead au lansat videoclipul piesei 'Present Tense'
"Present Tense" este cea de-a treia piesa extrasa de pe noul album al formatiei Radiohead, "A Moon Shaped Pool", iar clipul ei a fost produs in colaborare cu Paul Thomas Anderson. "A Moon Shaped Pool" tracklist: 1. Burn The Witch 2. Daydreaming 3. Decks Dark 4. Desert...
Top 5 piese non-metal care sunt absolut geniale
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Asculta noua piesa Radiohead, Daydreaming
La cateva zile distanta de la lansarea melodiei ‘Burn The Witch’, Radiohead revin cu o noua piesa si un nou videoclip. Noua piesa este intitulata 'Daydreaming' si este extrasa de pe cel de-al 9-lea album de studio al trupei care a fost lansat pe data de 8 Mai. Videoclipul a fost regizat de...
Radiohead au lansat o noua piesa si un videoclip
Dupa o serie de mail-uri criptice care contineau doar fraza “BURN THE WITCH: WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE.” si dupa disparitia totala a trupei de pe toate site-urile de socializare, Radiohead au facut in sfarsit ceea ce ne asteptam ca o sa faca: au lansat o noua piesa. "Burn The Witch" este...
Videoclipuri Radiohead
- 01. 2+2=5 (The Lukewarm.)
- 14. A Wolf at the Door. (It Girl. Rag Doll.)
- 02. Paranoid Android
- 06. Karma Police
- 02. Creep
- Nude
- All I Need
- House of Cards
- Jigsaw Falling into Place
- Radiohead - Creep
- Radiohead - Karma Police
- Radiohead - Street Spirit
- Radiohead - Just
- Radiohead - No Surprises
- Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees
- Radiohead - High and Dry
- Radiohead - You
- Radiohead - Nobody Does It Better
- Radiohead - Knives Out
- Radiohead - A Wolf at the Door
Muzica Radiohead
Top Versuri Radiohead
Karma Police
Creep Acoustic
Street Spirit Fade Out
All I Need
The National Anthem
No Surprises
Lotus Flower
Thinking About You
15 Step
House Of Cards
Nice Dream
Bulletproof I Wish I Was
In Limbo
Paranoid Android
How To Disappear Completely
I Cant
Like Spinning Plates
Permanent Daylight
Lozenge Of Love
Fake Plastic Trees
Sail To The Moon
Go To Sleep
Weird Fishes Arpeggi
Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Subterranean Homesick Alien
Talk Show Host
Yes I Am
Blow Out
Palo Alto
Pull Pulk Revolving Doors
Faithless The Wonder Boy
Prove Yourself
Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
Exit Music For A Film
Sit Down Stand Up
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Radiohead
- Creep Chords
- Blow Out Chords
- There There Acoustic Tab
- Paranoid Android Chords
- There There Chords
- These Are My Twisted Words Tab
- Creep Acoustic Chords
- All I Need Bass Tab
- You Acoustic Chords
- Subterranean Homesick Alien Chords
- True Love Waits Chords
- True Love Waits (ver2) Chords
- Thinking About You Chords
- You Chords
- Blow Out Acoustic Tab
- 4 Minute Warning Chords
- Creep Tab
- Big Ideas Nude Chords
- Bones Tab
- Sulk Chords
- House Of Cards Chords
- Fake Plastic Trees Chords
- Reckoner Chords
- Weird Fishes Arpeggi Tab
- Wonderwall Chords
- Videotape Chords
- Everything In Its Right Place Acoustic Chords
- You And Whose Army Chords
- Bulletproof I Wish I Was Tab
- Wolf At The Door (ver2) Chords
- Down Is The New Up Chords
- Wish You Were Here Chords
- Bodysnatchers Bass Tab
- The Bends Chords
- Pearly Chords
- All I Need Chords
- There There (ver2) Tab
- We Suck Young Blood Chords
- Videotape Tab
- Talk Show Host Chords
- Lucky Chords
- I Will Chords
- Karma Police Chords
- Creep Acoustic Tab
- House Of Cards Acoustic Chords
- Ok Computer (album) Tab
- Street Spirit (ver2) Chords
- Stupid Car Chords
- Where It Ends And You Begin Chords
- Creep Acoustic (ver2) Chords