Rage Against the Machine
Stiluri: Alternative
Biografie Rage Against the Machine
Formatia Rage Against the Machine este cunoscuta pentru muzica originala, versurile ingenioase si subiectele inspirate din evenimente precum opresiuni guvernamentale. Genurile abordate sunt punk, hip-hop si thrash.
Trupa a fost infiintata in Los Angeles la inceputul anilor 90, fiind constituita din solistul Zack de la Rocha (fost membru Headstance, Farside si Inside Out), chitaristul Tom Morello (fiul presedintelui Kenyei; membru Lock Up) si tobosarul Brad Wilk. Dupa recrutarea basistului Tim Bob (nascut Tim Commerford), un prieten bun cu Rocha, Rage Against the Machine a debutat in 1992 cu o colectie de 12 melodii, cea mai cunoscuta fiind Bullet in the Head".
Grupul a semnat un contract pentru Epic, debutand in 1992 cu un album de succes, apreciat de public pentru piesele Killing in the Name" si Bombtrack". Dupa turneul Lollapalooza si concertele sustinute in colaborare cu Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), Rock for Choice si Refuse & Resist, Rage a......Toata biografia Rage Against the Machine
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Videoclipuri Rage Against the Machine
- 01. Testify
- 01. People of the Sun
- 02. Bulls on Parade
- 01. Bombtrack
- 02. Killing in the Name
- Rage against the machine - Freedom
- Rage against the machine - How I Could Just Kill A Man
- Rage against the machine - Testify
- Rage against the machine - Killing in the name
- Rage against the machine - Bulls On Parade
- Rage against the machine - Sleep Now In The Fire
- Rage against the machine - Wake up
- Rage against the machine - Bulls on Parade
- Rage against the machine - Bombtrack
- Rage against the machine - People of The Sun
- Rage against the machine - Know Your Enemy
- Rage against the machine - Testify
- Rage against the machine - Renegades of Funk
- Rage against the machine - Bullet In The Head
- Rage against the machine - Township Rebellion
Top Versuri Rage Against the Machine
02. Killing in the Name
02. Guerrilla Radio
01. Bombtrack
05. Bullet in the Head
07. Wake Up
04. Revolver
08. Fistful of Steel
06. Born of a Broken Man
01. People of the Sun
02. Bulls on Parade
06. Tire Me
04. Mic Check
01. Testify
05. Beautiful World
11. Year of tha Boomerang
08. How I Could Just Kill a Man
03. Vietnow
08. Maria
04. Renegades of Funk
10. Roll Right
10. Freedom
03. Take the Power Back
09. Voice of the Voiceless
11. Ashes in the Fall
05. Sleep Now in the Fire
11. Street Fighting Man
09. Township Rebellion
08. Without a Face
06. Know Your Enemy
03. Calm Like a Bomb
10. Down on the Street
04. Settle for Nothing
03. Kick Out the Jams
05. Snakecharmer
Mic Check Once Hunting Now Hunted
12. War Within a Breath
07. Born as Ghosts
07. In My Eyes
Maggie's Farm
Testify (Original Version)
Sound Of Da Police
Clamp Down
Hadda Be Playing On The Jukebox
I'm Housin
Fuck The Police
The Narrows
Renegades Of Funk
Clear The Lane
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Rage Against the Machine
- Sleep Now In The Fire (ver6) Tab
- All Rage Lyrics EverChords
- Killing In The Name Tab
- Rage Against The Machine (album) Chords
- Beautiful World Chords
- Zapatas Blood (ver2) Bass Tab
- Bulls On Parade Bass Tab
- Bullet In The Head Bass Tab
- Testify Bass Tab
- Beautiful World (ver2) Tab
- Bombtrack Tab
- Bulls On Parade (ver3) Tab
- Calm Like A Bomb Bass Tab
- Autologic Bass Tab
- Bulls On Parade (ver4) Tab
- Bombtrack Bass Tab
- Born Of A Broken Man Bass Tab
- Bullet In The Head (ver2) Tab
- Voice Of The Voiceless Bass Tab
- Bombtrack (ver3) Bass Tab
- Zapatas Blood Bass Tab
- Wind Below Bass Tab
- Beautiful World Tab
- The Ghost Of Tom Joad Tab
- Sleep Now In The Fire (ver2) Bass Tab
- Wake Up (ver2) Bass Tab
- War Within A Breaht Bass Tab
- Bulls On Parade Tab
- Wake Up (ver5) Tab
- Year Of The Boomerang Bass Tab
- War Within A Breath Bass Tab
- Take The Power Back (ver4) Bass Tab
- Bombtrack (ver5) Tab
- Bob Tab
- Tire Me (ver2) Bass Tab
- War Within A Breath (ver3) Bass Tab
- Sleep Now In The Fire Bass Tab
- Voice Of The Voicless Tab
- Calm Like A Bomb (ver2) Tab
- Bombtrack (ver2) Tab
- Without A Face Bass Tab
- Born Of A Broken Man Tab
- Calm Like A Bomb (ver2) Bass Tab
- Killing In The Name Bass Tab
- Zapatas Blood Tab
- The Ghost Of Tom Joad Bass Tab
- Voice Of The Voiceless (ver2) Bass Tab
- Ashes In The Fall Tab
- Voice Of The Voiceless Tab
- Rage Against The Machine (album) Bass Tab