Stiluri: Punk
Biografie Ramones
The Ramones au fost o trupa americana cunoscuta drept prima trupa punk din lume. Dupa formarea in 1974, acestia au sustinut 2263 de concerte, in aproximativ 22 de ani. Dupa finalizarea turneului din 1996 trupa a decis sa se destrame. Joey Ramone, Johnny Ramone si Dee Dee Ramone au murit in decursul a 8 ani de la despartirea trupei. The Ramones nu au obtinut niciodata un succes comercial. Singurul album ce a castigat discul de aur a fost Ramones Mania . Popularitatea trupei a crescut inca din 1980, acestia avand cate un hit prezent in Rolling Stones 100 Greatest Artists, VH1 100 Greatest Artists si Mojo 100 Greatest Albums. In 2002, trupa a ajuns pe locul 2 in topul best rock band in the world. Pe primul loc s-au clasat cei de la the Beatles. Albumul de debut a fost inregistrat in 1975, cu un buget de 6.000 de dolari. Formatia a fost inlaturata de pe piata americana, insa a avut un succes urias in Anglia. Dupa debutul cinematografic in fimul Rock 'n' Roll High School (1979),......Toata biografia Ramones
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Stiri cu Ramones
Johnny Rotten si Marky Ramone implicati intr-o altercatie - video
Doi dintre artistii cei mai importanti ai punk-ului, doi dintre muzicienii care au scris istoria punk-ului mai aveau putin si se lua la bataie. Totul s-a intamplat in Los Angeles cand cei doi erau prezenti la un eveniment ce celebra mini seria de documentare 'Punk' a celor de la Epix. Discutia a...
10 piese inspirate din filme horror
Cinematografia a mers intotdeauna mana in mana cu muzica rock sau metal, foarte multi muzicieni fiind fani declarati ai acestui gen artistic manifestat in toate formele culturale posibile (literatura, teatru, film, etc.). Din acest motiv, horror-ul a fost intotdeauna o sursa nesecata de inspiratie pe care trupele...
O intersectie din New York va purta numele formatiei Ramones
O intersectie din Forest Hills (New York) va fi denumita pe 23 Octombrie "The Ramones Way" in cinstea legendarilor punkeri de la Ramones. Intersectia se afla in fata liceului din Forest Hills, locul in care membrii originali Ramones s-au cunoscut. "I'm just so proud that this is actually going to...
Marky Ramone (Ramones) si Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein (Misfits) eroi intr-un film animat cu zombie - video
Alan Robert este creatorul 'Killogy', o comedie neagra animata bazata pe benzile desenate realizate tot de acesta. Ideea e clasica pentru productiile video ce au legatura cu zombie. Ne aflam intr-un Brooklyn plin de morti vii. In plus totul este, sau urmeaza a fi, indundat de sange. Eroii sunt Marky...
Albumul zilei - The Ramones - Rocket to Russia
Astazi se implinesc 14 ani de la martea lui Joey Ramone, membru fondator al celebrei formatii de punk rock The Ramones. De aceea albumul zilei este Rocket to Russia, cel de al treilea material discografic al formatiei. Acesta a fost lansat pe data de 4 Noiembrie 1977. Atat criticii de specialitate cat si...
Videoclipuri Ramones
- The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop
- The Ramones - I wanna be sedated
- The Ramones - Pet Sematary
- The Ramones - California Sun
- The Ramones - Judy Is A Punk
- The Ramones - Teenage Lobotomy
- The Ramones - The KKK took my baby away
- The Ramones - I Don't Want To Grow Up
Muzica Ramones
Top Versuri Ramones
Have You Ever Seen The Rain
I Wanna Be Sedated
Blitzkrieg Bop
Baby, I Love You
I Need Your Love
Wart Hog
I Don't Want To Grow Up
All Screwed Up
Suzy Is A Headbanger
Bye Bye Baby
It's Gonna Be Alright
Listen To My Heart
Let's Go
Crummy Stuff
Cabbies On Crack
Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment
I Lost My Mind
I Remember You
Highest Trails Above
Howling At The Moon (Sha-La-La)
All The Way
It's A Long Way Back
Now I Wanna Be A Good Boy
You're Gonna Kill That Girl
Have A Nice Day
I Don't Wanna Be Learned/ I Don't Wanna Be Tamed
I Wanna Be Sedated
Take It As It Comes
What'd Ya Do?
Poison Heart
7 And 7 Is
Beat On The Brat
Death Of Me
Somebody Put Something In My Drink
Blitzkrieg Bop
I Wanna Live
A Real Cool Time
Come On Now
Everytime I Eat Vegatables It Makes Me Think Of You
I'm Not Afraid Of Life
Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight)
Smash You
All's Quiet On The Eastern Front
Come Back, Baby
Judy Is A Punk
Know Better Now
Lifes A Gas
Hair Of The Dog
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Ramones
- Thats What I Like About You Tab
- Blitzkreig Bop Chords
- Sheena Is A Punk Rocker Bass Tab
- The Kkk Took My Baby Away Chords
- Road To Ruin (album) Chords
- What A Wonderfull World Bass Tab
- We Want The Airwaves Tab
- What A Wonderful World Bass Tab
- Spiderman Tab
- Youre Gonna Kill That Girl Bass Tab
- Somebody Put Something In My Drink Tab
- Blitzkrieg Bop Tab
- Today Your Love Tomorrow The World Chords
- Surfin Bird Tab
- The Crusher Bass Tab
- Spiderman Solo Tab
- Strength To Endure Bass Tab
- What A Wonderful World Tab
- Teenage Lobotomy Tab
- Teenage Lobotomy (ver2) Chords
- Warthog Tab
- We Want The Airwaves Intro Tab
- Zero Zero Ufo Chords
- California Sun (ver5) Tab
- Spiderman Bass Tab
- Too Tough To Die Chords
- Were A Happy Family Bass Tab
- The Kkk Took My Baby Away (ver2) Bass Tab
- Were A Happy Family (ver2) Tab
- We Want The Airwaves Chords
- Too Tough To Die Tab
- Why Is It Always This Way Solo Tab
- Teenage Lobotomy Chords
- The Kkk Took My Baby Away Tab
- Wart Hog Bass Tab
- Teenage Labotomy Tab
- Suzy Is A Headbanger Bass Tab
- Ramones Live Tab
- Wart Hog Tab
- I Wont Let It Happen Chords
- Venting Chords
- Strenght To Endure Tab
- Somebody To Love Tab
- Blitzkrieg Bop Chords
- Touring Chords
- Were A Happy Family Tab
- Teenage Labotomy Bass Tab
- Take It As It Comes Chords
- Shes The One (ver2) Chords
- Zero Zero Ufo Tab