Red Hot Chili Peppers
Stiluri: Alternative
Biografie Red Hot Chili Peppers
Red Hot Chili Peppers sunt o formatie rock din California formata in Los Angeles 1983. Desi au avut parte de numeroase schimbari in componenta si probleme personale, Red Hot Chili Peppers au creat un sunet unic - o combinatie de funk, punk, rap, rock psychedelic, heavy metal si, in ultimu timp, pop rock. Cei de la Red Hot Chili Peppers au avut un succes continuu din momentul in care `Blood Sugar Sex Magik` a fost lansat in 1991. In ultimii 23 de ani, au produs noua albume de studio care s-au vandut in aproape 50 de milioane de copii in toata lumea. Red Hot Chili Peppers (initial numiti `Tony Flow and the Miraculously Majestic Masters of Mayhem`) s-a format cand Michael `Flea` Balzary, Jack Irons, Anthony Kiedis si Hillel Slovak au cantat in anul 1983 la Fairfax High School. Irons si Slovak erau dedicati formatiei lor initiale, de aceea sesiunile de inregistrari au fost facute cu chitaristul Jack Sherman si bateristul Cliff Martinez. Primul lor album nu a fost un succes......Toata biografia Red Hot Chili Peppers
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Stiri cu Red Hot Chili Peppers
Red Hot Chili Peppers au lansat un nou album "Return of the Dream Canteen"
Red Hot Chili Peppers au lansat deja doua albume in 2022, in luna aprilie a iesit "Unlimited Love", iar in 14 octombrie s-a lansat "Return of the Dream Canteen". Tot de curand, a revenit si chitaristul John Frusciante in cadrul formatiei, eveniment care pare sa fi contribuit la productivitatea...
Red Hot Chili Peppers sunt castigatorii Best Rock la MTV Video Music Awards 2022
Red Hot Chili Peppers sunt castigatori la categoria Best Rock la MTV Video Music Awards 2022. Categoria a cuprins mai multe nominalizari, printre care si Foo Fighters, castigator al MTV VMA, cu videoclipul „Love Never Dies”, precum si fostul nominalizat Jack White (nominalizat anul acesta pentru...
Red Hot Chili Peppers au lansat single-ul 'Poster Child'
Red Hot Chili Peppers au revenit cu un nou single care va fi inclus pe noul album al trupei, 'Unlimited Love'. Materialul va fi disponibil de pe 1 aprilie via Warner Records. Noul single poate fi ascultat mai jos.
Red Hot Chili Peppers au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Black Summer'
Trupa a revenit cu un nou single extras de pe albumul 'Unlimited Love' care va fi disponibil pe 1 aprilie via Warner Bros Records. "Our only goal is to get lost in the music. We (John, Anthony, Chad and Flea) spent thousands of hours, collectively and individually, honing our craft and showing up...
Fostul chitarist Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jack Sherman, a decedat
Fostul chitarist a murit la varsta de 64 de ani. Cauza decesului inca nu a fost dezvaluita. Vestea trecerii sale a fost confirmata de trupa, care au declarat urmatoarele: "We of the RHCP family would like to wish Jack Sherman smooth sailing into the worlds beyond, for he has passed. Jack played on...
Videoclipuri Red Hot Chili Peppers
- 06. The Zephyr Song
- 01. Around the World
- 03. Scar Tissue
- 04. Otherside
- Under the Bridge
- Snow Hey Oh
- Charlie
- Hump de Bump
- Desecration Smile
- Tell Me Baby
- Dani California
- Road Trippin
- Red Hot Chili Peppers - Otherside
- Red Hot Chili Peppers - My Friends
- Red Hot Chili Peppers - Desecration Smile
- Red Hot Chili Peppers - Around the world
- Red Hot Chili Peppers - Fortune faded
- Red Hot Chili Peppers - Tell me baby
- Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
- Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge
Muzica Red Hot Chili Peppers
Top Versuri Red Hot Chili Peppers
06. Californication
Under the Bridge
01. By the Way
Snow Hey Oh
04. Otherside
10. Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Dani California
08. I Could Die for You
03. Breaking the Girl
11. Cabron
06. I Could Have Lied
01. Around the World
09. Midnight
12. Tear
Desecration Smile
05. Suck My Kiss
09. Give It Away
02. Universally Speaking
13. Apache Rose Peacock
10. Throw Away Your Television
14. Minor Thing
12. Savior
16. Venice Queen
03. Scar Tissue
13. Purple Stain
08. Porcelain
12. Naked in the Rain
13. On Mercury
07. Easily
02. Parallel Universe
09. Emit Remmus
08. The Righteous & The Wicked
Monarchy of Roses
Slow Cheetah
Scar Tissue
I Like Dirt
Strip My Mind
Wet Sand
Stadium Arcadium
Dani California
Death Of A Martian
Hump de Bump
Torture Me
Especially in Michigan
She's Only 18
The Adventures of Raindance Maggie
C'mon Girl
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Snow Hey Oh Chords
- Cant Stop (ver7) Tab
- Otherside Chords
- Snow Hey Oh Tab
- Cant Stop Bass Tab
- Californication Acoustic Tab
- Cant Stop Chords
- Under The Bridge (ver7) Tab
- Under The Bridge (ver2) Chords
- Californication Chords
- Minor Thing (ver2) Tab
- Around The World Bass Tab
- Otherside (ver2) Bass Tab
- Otherside Tab
- Road Trippin Tab
- Under The Bridge Chords
- Dosed Chords
- I Could Have Lied (ver7) Tab
- Dont Forget Me Chords
- Snow Hey Oh (ver3) Bass Tab
- My Friends Chords
- Snow Hey Oh (ver6) Bass Tab
- Californication Tab
- My Friends (ver2) Tab
- Under The Bridge Acoustic Tab
- Zephyr Song Tab
- Wet Sand Chords
- Higher Ground Bass Tab
- Otherside (ver2) Chords
- Otherside (ver5) Tab
- Dosed (ver2) Tab
- Under The Bridge Live Tab
- Otherside Acoustic Tab
- Cant Stop (ver3) Bass Tab
- Scar Tissue (ver6) Tab
- Easily Chords
- The Zephyr Song (ver3) Tab
- Soul To Squeeze Chords
- City Of Angels Intro Tab
- Cant Stop (ver8) Tab
- Flea From Rhcp Solo Bass Tab
- Californication (ver8) Tab
- Soul To Squeeze (ver5) Bass Tab
- Under The Bridge (ver6) Bass Tab
- Snow Hey Oh Intro Tab
- Scar Tissue (ver7) Tab
- Higher Ground (ver3) Tab
- Californication Acoustic Chords
- Californication (ver4) Tab
- Wet Sand Tab