Acoustic Cuts (album) Tab - Richie Kotzen

Richie Kotzen - Acoustic Cuts entirely tabbed out!

Tabbed over 4 days in April 07 by Mike Luard ([email protected])

Track listing:

1. Change
2. What Is
4. Don't Ask
5. Where Did Our Love Go
7.I Would
8.You Got A Fire
9.Don't Wanna Lie
10. Let's Say Goodbye
11. Stand (Japan Bonus Track)

Throughout this tab I write out the chords in a way that some people might
find confusing, I'll just give a quick example which hopefully explains it.

- 1 bar of C is shown like this

C/// |

- 2 beats of C and then 2 beats of Dm are shown like this:

C/Dm/ |

- A 4 bar progression being repeated twice would be shown like this:

C/// | Dm/// | Em/// | F/// | x2 |

Track one:

Richie Kotzen - Change

D/A/ | Em///| x2

D/A/ | Em///| x8

D/A/ | Em///| x8

Asus2/// | Em/// | x3 | G/// | A/// |

D/A/ | Em///| x4

D/A/ | Em///| x8


Track two:

Richie Kotzen - What Is


part1                           Part2
    Am                          Em7      G      D/A      Asus4
e --0--0----------3--3--2---------------------------------------------------|
B --1--1----------3--3--3----------3--------3---3--3--------3--2------------|
G --2--2----------0--0--0-------0----0---0---0--2----2---2-------2----------|
D --2--2-------------------x2---0--------0------0--------2------------------|
A --0--0---2--3-----------------2--------2------0--------0------------x2----|
E ------------------------------0--------3----------------------------------|


Em7/G/ | D/Asus4/ | x3 |

  Am          C    G      D
e -0--0-------0----3--3---2----------------|
B -1--1-------1----3--3---3-------------3--|
G -2--2-------0----0--0---2---------0------|
D -2--2-------2-----------0---0-2/4---4----|
A -0--0---2---3----------------------------|
E -----------------------------------------|

Em7/G/ | D/Asus4/ | x3 |

  Am          C    G      D
e -0--0-------0----3--3---2-----------|
B -1--1-------1----3--3---3--------3--|
G -2--2-------0----0--0---2-----0-----|
D -2--2-------2-----------0---2/4-----|
A -0--0---2---3-----------------------|
E ------------------------------------|

Chorus: (theres a 'joining' B note between the am and cadd9)

Am/Cadd9/ | D/// | x4 |

Then he plays 'intro part 2'


F/// | C/// | G/// | G///| F/// | C/// |

Am          C    G      D
e -0--------0----3--3---2--|
B -1--------1----3--3---3--|
G -2--------0----0--0---2--|
D -2--------2-----------0--|
A -0----2---3--------------|
E -------------------------|

'Intro part 2'

Em7/G/ | D/Asus4/ |

  Am          C    G      D
e -0--0-------0----3--3---2--------|
B -1--1-------1----3--3---3--------|
G -2--2-------0----0--0---2--------|
D -2--2-------2-----------0---2/4--|
A -0--0---2---3--------------------|
E ---------------------------------|

Am/Cadd9/ | D/// | x8 |


Track three:

Richie Kotzen - High

The A and B chords are normally played like this:
e --0--0--|
B --0--0--|
G --6--8--|
D --7--9--|
A --7--9--|
E --5--7--|

    E///    A   B///  F#m///              A///
e --0-------0---0-----2--2----------------0------------------|
B --0-------0---0-----2--2----------------0------------------|
G --1-------6---8-----2--2----------------6------------------|
D --2-------7---9-----3--4--4-4-4-4-4-4---7------------------|
A --2-------7---9-----3--4--4-4-4-4-4-4---7----------7-7-----|
E --0-------5---7-----2--2--0-2-0-2-2-2---5------7/9------9--|

E/// | B/// | F#m/// | A/// | x2 |

F#m/// | E/G#/// | A/// | B/// | B/// |

E/// | B/// | F#m/// | A/// | x2 | E/// | and then this bar...

e --------------------|
B --------------------|
G ---------------4-4--|
D ---------------4-6--|
A ------2-2/4--7------|
E --2-4---------------|

E/// | B/// | F#m/// | A/// | (pull off on the high e string from the G#
to the open e note)

E/// | B/// | F#m/// | A/// |

F#m/// | E/G#/// | A/// | B/// | B/// |

E/// | B/// | F#m/// | A/// | x2 |

B/// | F#m/// | B/// | A/// | E/// | B/// | F#m/// | A/// | B/// | B/// |

E/// | B/// | F#m/// | A/// | x2 |



Track four:

Richie Kotzen - Don't Ask

    Gm       Eb            Bb            C
e --------------------------------------------------------------------|
B -----------11---------------8---------------------------------------|
G --------12----12----------8---8-----------7--------------9-10-9-----|
D -----12----------12-----8-------8-------8---8---------10--------10--|
A --10------------------6---------------8-------8----10---------------|
E ------------------------------------6------------8------------------|

    Gm       Eb            Bb            C
e ---------------------------------------------------------------------|
B -----------11---------------8----------------------------------------|
G --------12----12----------8---8-----------7--------------9-----------|
D -----12----------12-----8-------8-------8---8---------10-------------|
A --10------------------6---------------8-------8----10----------------|
E ------------------------------------6------------8-------------------|

Gm/// | Eb/// | Bb/// | C/// | x2

Gm/// | Eb/// | Bb/// | C/// | Cm//D | Eb/Bb/ | F/// | Eb/Bb/ | F/// |
Cm//D | Eb/// |


Gm/Eb/ | Bb/F/ | x3 |

Cm//D | Eb/// |


Gm/// | Eb/// | Bb/// | C/// | Gm/// | Eb/// | Bb/// | and then this bar:

e --------------|
B --------------|
G --------------|
D --------------|
A --------1--3--|
E --1--3--------|

Gm/// | Eb/// | Bb/// | C/// | Cm//D | Eb/Bb/ | F/// | Eb/Bb/ | F/// |
Cm//D | Eb/// | Cm/// | Eb/// |


Gm/Eb/ | Bb/F/ | x3 |

Cm//D | Eb/// | x3 |



Track five:

Richie Kotzen - Where Did Our Love Go

I had a lot of trouble with this one so it isn't totally right...

    G                        Bm7                            F
e |--3-3----3--3--3--3--3------------------------------------1--1---1-1---1-|
B |--3-3----3--3--3--3--3-----7--7--7--7--7--7--7--7---------1--1---1-1---1-|
G |--0-0----0--2--0--0--0-----7--7--7--9--7--7--7--7---------2--2---2-2---2-|
D |--0-0----0--0--0--0--0-----7--7--7--7--7--9--7--7---------3--3---3-3---3-|
A |--2-2----------------------------------------------97-5--3--3---3-3---3-|
E |--3-3----------------------7--7---------------------------1--1---1-1---1-|

e --3--3----------------3--|------|
B --3--3----------------3--|------|
G --4--4-------0--------0--|------|
D --5--5---0-2----------0--|------|
A --5--5---------2-0----2--|--x3--|
E --3--3-------------3--3--|------|

    C                 Am7///   C/  Am7/    D///
e --0--0--------------0--------0---0-------2----|
B --1--1--------------1--------1---1-------3----|
G --0--0-----0--------0--------0---0-------2----|
D --2--2--------------2--------2---2-------0----|
A --3--3---2----2-0---0--------3---0------------|
E ----------------------------------------------|

e |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |----------------------------7---------7-7----------5---------------------|
G |---------------7--9--7--7---7---------7-7--7--7----5-------5-5-5-5-------|
D |---------------7--7--7--9---7--7-7----7-7--9--7----5--5-5--5-5-7-5-------|
A |--------2--5-------------------7-9--------------9-----5-7----------------|
E |--3--5-------------------------------------------------------------------|

e --3--3--------------------|
B --3--3--------------------|
G --0--0--------0-----------|
D --0--0--0--2--------------|
A --2--2-----------2--0-----|
E --3--3-----------------3--|

intro/verse - but only twice
intro/verse - only once

Track six:

Richie Kotzen - Rust


e ---------------------------------0--0-------------------------------------|
B ------------------------12--12---0--------2-------------------------------|
G ------------------------9---11---8----8---2-------------------------------|
D --9-9---9-9----9-11-9---9---9----9--------2-------2-----------------------|
A --9-11--9-11---9-9--9------------9--------0-------------------------------|
E --0-0---0-0----0-0--0------------7------------2/4---4b-2-0----------------|

E(something)///   C#m7///    B///     A///
e -------------------------------------0------------------------------------|
B ---------------------------9---------0--------2---------------------------|
G -------9-------------------9---------8--------2---------------------------|
D -------9-------------------9---------9--------2---------2-----------------|
A -------11----------------------------9--------0---------------------------|
E -------0-------------------9---------7--------------2/4----4b--2-0---x2---|

     G#m7         A          G#m7         B
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B ----4-----------2--2--2-----4-----------4---------------------------------|
G ----4--4-4-4----2--2--2-----4--4-4-4----4---------------------------------|
D ----4--4-6-4----2--2--2-----4--4-6-4----4---------------------------------|
A ----------------0--0--0---------------------------------------------------|
E ----4-----------------------4-----------7---------------------------------|


E/// | Asus2/// | Asus2/// | E/Asus2/ | x2 |

E/// | Asus2/// | D/Asus2/ | E/Asus2/ |

E/// | Asus2/// | Asus2/// | E/// |

Verse & then chorus played

e ---------------------|
B ---------------------|
G --9-9--9--9--9--9-9--|
D --9-11-11-11-11-9-9--|
A ---------------------|
E ---------------------|

D/// | Asus2/// | E/// | E/// | D/// | Asus2/// | D/// | Asus2/// |

this lick is played into the first chord of the chorus:

e ------------|
B ------------|
G ------------|
D ------------|
A ------7--9--|
E --7/9-------|

                                   ///      E
e --------------------------------0---------0--|
B --------------------------------0---------0--|
G --9-9---9-9---9-----------------9---------1--|
D --9-11--9-11--9--9--9-----x3----11--------2--|
A -----------------9--11--------------------2--|
E -----------------0--0---------------------0--|


Track seven:

Richie Kotzen - I Would

C/// | Am/// | F/Fm/ | C/// |

C/// | G/// | Am/G/ | F/// | x2 |

Em/// | Am/// | Em/// | F/// |

C/Am/ | Bb/F/ | x3 |

Bb/// | F/Fm/ | C/// | Am/// | Fm/// | C/// |

C/// | G/// | Am/G/ | F/// | x2 |

Em/// | Am/// | Em/// | F/// |

C/Am/ | Bb/F/ | x3 |

Bb/// | F/Fm/ | C/// | Am/// | Fm/// | C/// |


Track eight:

Richie Kotzen - You Got A Fire

  GG   D
e ------------------------3-------------3---2--0------|
B --------3----3-5-5-3----3----3--3--3--3---3----3----|
G ----2-4------2-2-2-2----0----2--2--2--0---2------2--|
D --0-------0-------------0----4--5--4--0---0---------|
A ------------------------2-------------2-------------|
E ------------------------3-------------3-------------|

Sometimes on the Em chord I've put a star (*) indicating this bit should be

e ---------|
B ---------|
G --2-2-2--|
D --4-5-4--|
A ---------|
E ---------|

D/// | Em/// | G/// | D/// | x4 |

D/// | Em*/// | G/// | D/// | x2 |

D/// | Em/// | G/// | D/// | x4 |

D/// | Em*/// | G/// | D/// | x2 |

Bm/// | F#m/// | Bm/// | F#m/// | G/// | D/// | Em/// | G/// | G/// |

D/// | Em/// | G/// | D/// | x2 |

D/// | Em*/// | G/// | D/// | x5 |


Track nine:

Richie Kotzen - Don't Wanna Lie

e --------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B ---------------9-10-9-10-9--------------9--9-10-9-------------------------|
G ---------------9-9--9-9--9--------------9--9-9--9-------------------------|
D ------2---4/6--9-11-9-11-9------2---4---9--9-11-9-------------------------|
A --2-4---4-------------------2-4---4-----7---------------------------------|
E --------------------------------------------------------------------------|

e ------------------------------------------0-------------------------------|
B ----------------9-10-9-10-9---------------0-------------------------------|
G ----------------9-9--9-9--9---------------1-------------------------------|
D ------2---4/6---9-11-9-10-9-------2---4---2-------------------------------|
A --2-4---4---------------------2-4---4-----2-----x2------------------------|
E ------------------------------------------0-------------------------------|

 B chord is played like this (i think)
e --0--
B --0--
G --8--
D --9--
A --9--
E --7--

B/// | E/// | B/// | E/// |B/// | E/A/ | A/B/ | A/// |

e --------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B ---------------9-10-9-10-9--------------9--9-10-9-------------------------|
G ---------------9-9--9-9--9--------------9--9-9--9-------------------------|
D ------2---4/6--9-11-9-11-9------2---4---9--9-11-9-------------------------|
A --2-4---4-------------------2-4---4-----7---------------------------------|
E --------------------------------------------------------------------------|

e ------------------------------------------0-------------------------------|
B ----------------9-10-9-10-9---------------0-------------------------------|
G ----------------9-9--9-9--9---------------1-------------------------------|
D ------2---4/6---9-11-9-10-9-------2---4---2--4/6--------------------------|
A --2-4---4---------------------2-4---4-----2------/7--4---x2---------------|
E ------------------------------------------0-------------------------------|

Then play: Verse & chorus

  2:29  B///  B///  B///
e ------0------------------------------------------|
B ------0-----------------------------------4-4-4--|
G ------8-----------------------------------4-4-4--|
D ------9----------------4/6-4--2--2/4-2----4-6-4--|
A ------9--------------------------------4---------|
E ------7------------------------------------------|

  2:41  A///            B///   2:51 - play A until chorus
e ------0-----7-0-4-0---0------0--|
B ------0-----------0---0------0--|
G ------6---------------8------6--|
D ------7---------------9------7--|
A ------7---------------9------7--|
E ------5---------------7------5--|


  3:32  B///   B///                           E5
e ------0------------------------------------------|
B ------0------------------------------------------|
G ------8------------------------------------------|
D ------9-------------------2---4/6--4--2-----2-2--|
A ------9---------------2-4---4------------4--2-2--|
E ------7-------------------------------------0-0--|


Track ten:

Richie Kotzen - Let's Say Goodbye

e --------------------------------0--|
B --------------------------------0--|
G -----------------------4/64----2--|
D --------------4-4/6-------------2--|
A --------4--7--------7-----------0--|
E --4--7--------------------------0--|

The special B chord is played the same play as the last song


Asus2/// | E/// | Asus2/// | B/// | Asus2/// | A E F#m G#m | E///

at the end of the last E bar there this little bit

    E  ?  E
e --0--0--0--|
B --0--0--0--|
G --1--3--1--|
D --2--4--2--|
A --2--4--2--|
E --0--0--0--|

Asus2/// | E/// | Asus2/// | B/// | Asus2/// |

e -----------|
B --------0--|
G --4--6--8--|
D -----------|
A -----------|
E -----------|

Asus2/// | E/// | F#m/// | B/// | x2 |

e --------------------0--|
B --------------------0--|
G --4/6-4-4-6---------2--|
D ------------/6-4-2--2--|
A --------------------0--|
E -----------------------|  then repeat everything from 'verse'

Asus2/// | E/// | F#m/// | B/// | x5 |


Track eleven:

Richie Kotzen - Stand (Japan Bonus Track)


    E        E  Dsus2   Asus2       Bm///   A///
e --0--------0--0--0----0-0-0-------2----------|
B --0--------0--3--3----0-0-0-------3-------2--|
G --1--2--4--1--2--2----2-2-2-------4-------2--|
D --2--4--6--2--0--0----2-2-2-------4-------2--|
A --2-------------------0-0-0---x3--2-------0--|
E --0------------------------------------------|

Chorus:  E///  Bm///  D/  Asus2/   E///     D///  A///
e -------0-----2------2---0--------0--------2-----0-------------------------|
B -------0-----3------3---0--------0--------3-----2-------------------------|
G -------1-----4------2---2--------1--------2-----2-------------------------|
D -------2-----4------0---2--------2-----x2-0-----2-------------------------|
A -------2-----0----------0--------2--------------0-------------------------|
E -------0-------------------------0----------------------------------------|

    E        E  Dsus2   Asus2    E        E           A
e --0--------0--0--0----0-0-0----0--------0--------------|
B --0--------0--3--3----0-0-0----0--------0-----------2--|
G --1--2--4--1--2--2----2-2-2----1--2--4--1-----------2--|
D --2--4--6--2--0--0----2-2-2----2--4--6--2-------2-4-2--|
A --2-------------------0-0-0----2------------2/4-----0--|
E --0----------------------------0-----------------------|

Then play verse and chorus

these 4 bars at 2:08

E/// | Bm/// | D/Asus2/ | E/// |


    E        E  Dsus2   Asus2     E        E            Asus2
e --0--------0--0--0----0-0-0-----0--------0------------0--|
B --0--------0--3--3----0-0-0-----0--------0------------0--|
G --1--2--4--1--2--2----2-2-2-----1--2--4--1------------2--|
D --2--4--6--2--0--0----2-2-2-----2--4--6--2------2-4---2--|
A --2-------------------0-0-0-----2-----------2/4-------0--|
E --0-----------------------------0------------------------|


Hope people will find this tab useful. Sorry for any mistakes, I hope there
aren't too many!

If you have any questions feel free to email me.