Rise Against
Biografie Rise Against
Trupa americana de melodic hardcore Rise Against a luat fiinta in 1999 in Chicago, Illinois. Stil : punk rock, melodic hardcore Componenta: Tim McIlrath voce, chitara Zach Blair chitara Joe Principe bass Brandon Barnes tobe Discografie: The Unraveling (2001) Revolutions per Minute (2003) Siren Song of the Counter Culture (2004) The Sufferer & the Witness (2006) Appeal to Reason (2008) RISE AGAINST www.riseagainst.com www.myspace.com/riseagainst ...Toata biografia Rise Against
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Stiri cu Rise Against
Rise Against au lansat un nou single insotit de clip 'Broken Dreams, Inc.'
"Broken Dreams, Inc." este prima piesa lansata a grupului dupa o pauza de 3 ani. Piesa este soundtrack-ul seriei DC Comics, "Dark Nights: Death Metal". Noua melodie a fost produsa de Bill Stevenson, Jason Livermore, Andrew Berlin si Chris Beeble alaturi de Greg Capullo, care s-a ocupat de...
Rise Against au lansat un clip pentru 'The Violence'
Rise Againstau lansat un videoclip pentru piesa "The Violence" extrasa de pe noul lor album de studio, "Wolves", lansat in data de 20 aprilie via Virgin Records. Videoclipul piesei poate fi urmarit mai jos. "Wolves" tracklist: 1.Wolves 2.House on Fire 3.The Violence...
Rise Against a lansat piesa 'The Violence'
Americanii de la Rise Against au lansat o piesa noua, "The Violence", extrasa de pe cel de-al 8-lea album de studio al trupei, "Wolves", ce urmeaza sa ajunga la fani incepand cu data de 9 iunie. "Wolves" tracklist: 1. Wolves 2. House on Fire 3. The Violence 4. Welcome...
Groezrock 2013: Noi nume confirmate
Rise Against si Bad Religion sunt cap de afis la editia din acest an a festivalului Groezrock, care va avea loc in Belgia in weekendul 27-28 aprilie, aflat la cea de-a 22-a editie. Festivalul are si loc de campare, iar biletele au fost puse deja in vanzare. Mai jos programul pe zile. In presale biletul...
Rise Against si Bad Religion: Cap de afis la Groezrock 2013 (promo)
Rise Against si Bad Religion sunt cap de afis la editia din acest an a festivalului Groezrock, care va avea loc in Belgia in weekendul 27-28 aprilie, aflat la cea de-a 22-a editie. Joe si Tim de la Rise Against se afla in promo-ul pe care il puteti urmari mai jos. Alte nume confirmate pana acum sunt:...
Videoclipuri Rise Against
- Rise Against - Heaven Knows
- Rise Against - Swing Life Away
- Rise Against - Savior
- Rise Against - Like The Angel
- Rise Against - Blood To Bleed
- Rise Against - Prayer Of The Refugee
- Rise Against - Everchanging
- Rise Against - State Of The Union
- Rise Against - Paper Wings
- Savior
- Satellite
- Help Is On The Way
Muzica Rise Against
Top Versuri Rise Against
From Heads Unworthy
Hero Of War
The Strength To Go On
Re-Education (Through Labor)
Collapse (Post-Amerika)
Hairline Fracture
Audience Of One
Whereabouts Unknown
Kotov Syndrome
Swing Life Away
The Dirt Whispered
Long Forgotten Sons
Wait For Me
Prayer of the Refugee
Worth Dying For
Halfway There
Last Chance Blueprint
Help Is On The Way
Heaven Knows
Black Masks and Gasoline
Under the Knife
Like the Angel
Paper Wings
The Good Left Undone
Dead Ringer
Chamber the Cartridge
Blood Red, White, and Blue
Any Way You Want It (Hidden Track)
Behind Closed Doors
The First Drop
The Approaching Curve
Ready to Fall
Rumors of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
Life Less Frightening
To the Core
Tip the Scales
Dancing for Rain
Give It All
My Life Inside Your Heart
Amber Changing
Voices Off Camera:
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Rise Against
- Re-education Through Labor Tab
- Dancing For Rain Chords
- From Heads Unworthy Tab
- Everchanging Acoustic Chords
- Like The Angel Chords
- Paper Wings Acoustic Chords
- Hero Of War Live Tab
- Swing Life Away Intro Tab
- Tip The Scales Acoustic Chords
- Ready To Fall Chords
- Savior Chords
- Historia Calamitatum Tab
- Swing Life Away Acoustic Tab
- Swing Life Away (ver2) Chords
- Everchanging Chords
- Anywhere But Here Acoustic Chords
- Death Blossoms Tab
- Prayer Of The Refugee (ver5) Tab
- Death Blossoms Tab
- Survive Tab
- Savior ver3 Tab
- Worth Dying For Chords
- Swing Life Away (ver6) Chords
- Prayer Of The Refugee Acoustic Tab
- Everchanging Acoustic Tab
- Long Forgotten Sons Tab
- Swing Life Away Tab
- 3 Day Weekend Tab
- Roadside Tab
- Sight Unseen Chords
- Roadside Intro Tab
- Good Left Undone Bass Tab
- Collapse Tab
- Under The Knife Tab
- Rumors Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exagerated Bass Tab
- Long Forgotten Sons Tab
- Survive (ver2) Tab
- Survive Intro Tab
- Give It All Chords
- Prayer Of The Refugee Tab
- Swing Life Away (ver4) Tab
- Swing Life Away Chords
- Prayer Of The Refugee Chords
- Savior Acoustic Tab
- Anyway You Want It ver6 Tab
- Audience Of One Tab
- Voices Off Camera Bass Tab
- Give It All Tab
- Chamber The Cartridge Bass Tab
- Like The Angel Tab