Shai Hulud

Biografie Shai Hulud

Tara : SUA Stil : hardcore, punk Componenta : Matt Ian Mazzali - voce Matt Fox - chitara Matthew Fletcher - bass tobedrums (1999-2000, 2007-present) Chad Kishick - chitara Discografie : A Profound Hatred of Man (1997) Hearts Once Nourished with Hope and Compassion (1997) The Fall of Every Man (1998) A Whole New Level of Sickness (1999) Crush 'Em All Vol. 1 (2000) That Within Blood Ill-Tempered (2003) A Comprehensive Retrospective: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Release Bad and Useless Recordings (2005) Misanthropy Pure (2008) SHAI HULUD ...Toata biografia Shai Hulud

Stiri cu Shai Hulud

  • Shai Hulud - Reach Beyond The Sun (piesa noua)

    Shai Hulud va lansa in data de 15 februarie un nou album intitulat Reach Beyond The Sun, disponibil via Metal Blade Records. Trupa ofera catre streaming primul single de pe album, piesa care da si titlul acestuia. Single-ul poate fi ascultat mai jos. Reach Beyond The Sun poate fi deja comandat via...

  • SHAI HULUD colaboreaza cu Chad Gilbert

      SHAI HULUD au apelat din nou la ajutorul lui Chad Gilbert pentru a inregistra si produce al patrulea album din cariera.   Matt Fox si Matt Fletcher au incheiat deja compozitia pentru album iar partile vocale vor fi inregistrate de fostul solist si actualul chitarist in New Found Flory,...

  • Sick Of It All si Shai Hulud pornesc in turneu european

    Sick Of It All, Shai Hulud si All For Nothing vor porni in luna noiembrie intr-un turneu european. Datele confirmate sunt: 11/11 Amsterdam – Melkweg (Netherlands) 12/11 Hamburg – Große Freiheit (Germany) 13/11 Cham – L.A. Cham (Germany) 14/11 Berlin – SO36 (Germany) 15/11...

  • Shai Hulud anunta un nou turneu european

    Shai Hulud vor porni intr-un turneu european in primavara alaturi de Ligeia. Datele confirmate sunt: 20/04 Germany Koln Werkstatt 21/04 Germany Hamburg Hafenklang 22/04 Germany Meerhout Groezrock (Shai Hulud only) 23/04 Germany Berlin Tommy Haus 24/04 Germany Chemnitz AJZ Taltschok 25/04 Poland Wroclaw...

  • Shai Hulud anunta un nou turneu

     Formatia de hardcore Shai Hulud va incepe un nou turneu pe 2 februarie alaturi de Monsters, Counterparts, I The Breather si Close Your Eyes. Turneul se va numi "2011 Winter Tour", iar datele, precum si locatiile concertelor le puteti vedea mai jos: 02/02/2011- Allentown, PA @ Crocodile Rock...

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