Sick Puppies
Stiluri: Alternative
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Green Day
30 Seconds to Mars
Luna Amara
Stiri cu Sick Puppies
Evanescence a dezvaluit noua lor componenta pentru turnee
Dupa ce s-a despartit de chitaristul Jen Majura in weekend, Evanescence a dezvaluit noua lor componenta pentru turnee, care ii are acum la bas pe Tim McCord si Emma Anzai de la Sick Puppies. Pentru fani, schimbarea de componenta aduce un singur nou membru al trupei, deoarece McCord a ocupat rolul de...
Sick Puppies au lansat EP-ul Live And Unplugged
Formatia Sick Puppies a lansat EP-ul "Live And Unplugged" iar acesta este disponibil pe iTunes si la tarabele de merchandise de la concertele grupului. Materialul contine versiuni acustice ale pieselor " You're Going Down ", " Odd One " si " So What I Lied ", precum...
Top Versuri Sick Puppies
I Hate You
All The Same
Youre Going Down
Too Many Words
Odd One
Street Fighter (War)
What Are You Looking For?
Shouldve Known Better
Anywhere But Here
White Balloons
My World
In It For Life
So What I Lied
Dont Walk Away
Master Of The Universe
Dead Space
Howards Tale
Asshole Father
The Bottom
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Sick Puppies
- Youre Goin Down Tab
- All The Same Acoustic Chords
- Maybe Tab
- My World Tab
- Too Many Words Tab
- Anywhere But Here Chords
- Riptide Chords
- White Balloons Chords
- All The Same Acoustic Tab
- Asshole Father Tab
- Riptide Tab
- My World (ver3) Tab
- Youre Going Down Tab
- Pitiful Tab
- Asshole Father Chords
- All The Same Chords
- My World (ver2) Tab
- My World Bass Tab
- All The Same Tab
- Cancer Tab
- My World (ver2) Bass Tab
- All The Same (ver2) Tab
- All The Same Solo Tab
- All The Same Solo (ver2) Tab
- So What I Lied Tab
- Odd One Tab
- Riptide ver3 Tab
- All The Same (ver3) Tab
- What Are You Looking For Tab
- All The Same (ver6) Tab
- Maybe Acoustic Chords
- Cancer (ver2) Tab
- Howards Tale Intro Tab
- All The Same (ver4) Tab
- Something Different Bass Tab
- I Hate You Tab
- All The Same Bass Tab
- Nothing Really Matters Tab
- Shouldve Known Better Tab
- Anywhere But Here Tab
- Issues Tab
- All The Same (ver5) Tab
- Deliverance Intro Tab
- This Is War Tab
- White Ballons Chords
- Everyday Tab
- Dont Walk Away Tab
- Survive Tab
- Too Many Words Intro Tab
- Street Fighter War Tab